Someone Get Me a 'I Hate Malice' T-shirt, Please?

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Hyrule's POV

Wild's told me about Malice burns. And how quickly they burn through flesh and how the higher amount of Malice, the lower the chance of survival.

And that was a lot of Malice.

Legend said that he pulled most of the Malice out. And that might increase Wild's chances of survival. But this was still unfamiliar to me. I've never even come into contact with Malice before today!

The only Malice burns I've actually seen are on Flora. And she probably only survived through her Goddess Powers.

I didn't want to risk closing the wound with Malice still in it, so I had Flora on the case, using her powers to disperse the magic.

They were weak and not as effective as we would've liked, but they were working. A line of sweat covered Flora's brow.

We just needed to get most of the remaining Malice out, just enough so we can throw a bandage on it and wait for Flora to do her thing so we can heal her.

I had already wrapped Legend's hand and now he was sulking in his borrowed bedroom. King Dorephan gave us all one, although we heroes preferred to bunk up.

Safety in numbers and nightmares.

Twilight was standing close by, trying not to seem too concerned. But Wild was passed out and probably dying. Time had his hand on his shoulder but it wasn't doing much.

Whatever the case, he was here.

Let me back up to two days ago when Legend came stumbling out of the Divine Beast with a nearly unconscious Wild.


"I can't believe they ran in on their own." Time grumbled.

"I can't believe they didn't wait for me!" I protested, glaring at the now closed door. Probably so they can't leave. We've experienced enough of that in dungeons.

The door slid open. They did it!

Legend came stumbling out not long after. He was barely holding up Wild. She didn't seem to be hurt on the front.

Legend was holding his free hand close to himself. "When Waterblight exploded, she got a fair amount of Malice to the back."

Time hurried to them. Legend passed the Champion off to him.

"Twilight'll be here soon." Wild had been muttering his name feverishly. Time picked her up bridal-style, letting me come and take a look at the wound that monster dared inflict on my sister.

"I'm here Wild." I assured her, my hands aglow. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mipha and Sidon stumble out of the Divine Beast. She looked ready to help, but Sidon stopped her. She was too weak.

I cursed. "I can't do much with all this Malice still left in there!"

The others started arguing. I was actually not all that surprised to find Legend arguing with Sky.

Sky was obviously worried and didn't like feeling helpless. We who hold the Hero's Spirit all know what's it like to feel helpless. Better then others.

Warriors put himself between the arguing Veteran and Skyloftian.

"Fighting is not going to help her!" He shut it down. "Legend tried his best, he might be only reason she's not dead right now! Sky, I don't like not being able to help either, but we all have a part to play."

The two glared at each other but the fighting stopped.

I heard Time whisper to Wild. "You'll be okay." I couldn't tell if he was reassuring her or himself. "This isn't the worst thing. Just a little Malice. You gonna let that get you?"

Wild gave a little smile before she slumped against his armor, unconscious.

"Right now, we also have to focus on saving Daruk." Warriors instructed. I was partly grateful for the war, giving us this competent soldier who can keep us all together in times like this.

"And if I'm here," Sidon said. "that means that Yunobo is most likely waiting for us at Vah Rudania."

Warriors nodded. "Hyrule and Time'll stay with Wild and Mipha, in her Divine Beast. The rest of us will go save Daruk and Yunobo. Any questions?"

No one had any. "Good." Warriors nodded. "You have enough magic power left?" He asked Legend.

"Could use a stamina potion from Wild."

I took her slate mentally apologizing to Wild. She never lets other people so much as touch her slate without her permission.

I took a stamina potion and tossed it to Legend. He downed it and I returned the empty bottle and slate to Wild.

Warriors led Sidon, Legend, and Sky to Rudania whole Time carried Wild back into Vah Ruta.

I walked beside Mipha who looked about ready to collapse as well.

She went into the main control unit, sitting beside it and talking to Vah Ruta. Time sat down in the inch high water, still holding onto Wild.

"Now we wait." I said.

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