The Prisoners and Legend's Silent Fury

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Link's POV

Zelda, Impa, the heroes and I met up with Urbosa the next day.

Zelda had proposed the idea of Champion for her so we let her think about it.

When we found her she was at the foot of Vah Naboris, staring up at the divine beast.

"Thank you for meeting me here." She greeted us. "The town is a but... chaotic, shall we say."

Yeah. She means that most of us can't go inside.

"Of course, Urbosa. We'd meet you anywhere." Zelda replied.

Urbosa crossed her arms with a serious face. "You know about the... Yiga clan, I trust?"

The heroes nodded with annoyed expressions. They must've been annoyed with the Yiga.

Urbosa seemed to come to the same conclusion and smiled at little at their faces.

"Sheikah traitors working in the shadows to revive Calamity Ganon." She continued.

Impa looked down.

"Those lowlifes have been wreaking havoc here in Gerudo Canyon." Urbosa told us.

She looked back up at the giant camel.

"How long can we stand by and watch them get away with it?" Urbosa mused aloud. "No longer, I say. I will pilot this Divine Beast." She turned back to us with a smile.

Urbosa reached out to Zelda. "You are precious to me, and you need my help. I cannot refuse."

"Thank you, Urbosa." Zelda said, blushing a little at that comment. She walked up to Urbosa.

The both turned to the Divine Beast once more.

"As Princess of Hyrule, I too, will carry out my sworn duty."

Time sighed from beside me. He always seemed to be there.

Urbosa turned to Zelda with a surprised look on her face. "Little bird..."

Zelda didn't meet her eyes.

Urbosa sighed. "However I am able to support you, I will. Just say the word."

Zelda turned it Urbosa. Terrako scuttled forward a few steps from on my other side.

The new Champion and Princess looked up at Divine Beast Vah Naboris. Both lost in thought.


As we walked back toward Gerudo Town, Time told Urbosa about their search for the other heroes.

Urbosa looked thoughtful.

"A portal like the one you described appeared over the desert a few days ago."

The heroes stiffened.

"I put guards on it for two days, in case whatever came out of it wasn't friendly." She continued, not noticing the heroes.

"Well, it wouldn't have been if you got Legend." Warriors remarked, his mind obviously focused on the portal.

"It doesn't seem to be there anymore to it must've dropped off your friends and disappeared while I was gone." Urbosa said. "Kohga must've had them put into custody."

The heroes became even more worried.

Urbosa smiled kindly at them. "Don't worry. You wait out here and I'll get them."

We waited for what felt like hours to my ADHD brain. But finally, Urbosa did as she promised.

She exited the town with two guards following her. They where leading two people at spear-point.

One of them had mousy brown hair and brown eyes. He wore a green tunic over a brown long-sleeved one and brown trousers and boots. Pouches hung on his belt.

His friend was really small.

He had straight blonde hair that went down to his collarbone. His tunic was four different colors. His eyes seemed to change colors in the dying light.

"Hyrule!" Legend called and ran to the boy with brown hair.

He pulled Hyrule into a hug and glared at the Gerudo soldiers. They glared right back.

Urbosa sighed lightheartedly and dismissed them.

Warriors walked up and placed a hand on the other boy's shoulder.

He gave another round of introductions. The boy with the multi-color tunic was named Four.

Four and Hyrule (from between Legend's arms) looked at me in surprise when I was introduced. They seemed to be a mix of surprise and excitement.

But Wars and Legend whispered something in their ears and theit shoulders slumped in disappointment.


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