The Chosen Hero Who Fell From the Skies. Literally.

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Link's POV

I reached out to grab the guy who fell from the magic source. But I couldn't reach him. But then the sword on his back suddenly started glowing and yanked its wielder onto the rock next to Impa.

She then decided to use the last of our fireproof elixirs on him. I didn't care. I don't think the Princess did either. Once he was covered in the elixir I took a closer look at him.

He looked no more than sixteen or seventeen. He was a Hylian. He had light dirty-brown hair. His eyes were closed so I couldn't tell which color they were. He wore a green tunic with a red cloth wrapped around his waist with his family's crest. A fashion that had become less popular, but still not uncommon to see. He wore a simple pair of trousers and boots. A pouch was at his side. Around his neck hung a strange cape. It bore a crest similar to that of the Royal family's that was buttoned in the front by a strange blue gem.

But the sword attached to his back-I'd only ever seen it in books-was undisputedly the Master Sword. 


Sky's POV Seven hours before

I sat by the campfire as I cleaned black blood off of Fi. We had just run into a camp full of infected monsters. And the campsite was alive with movement and noise.

We were in Tim's Hyrule today. We had just been dropped off so Time hoped that we (he) could visit Malon.

Anyway. Hyrule was going around healing everyone's injuries. I had a small concussion from being thrown into a wall by a Dinolfos. Four had a broken arm, legend had twisted his ankle. And there were numerous other injuries. Nothing serious though.

Twilight was pacing a kid and forth as Hyrule attempted to bandage his bleeding arm. You see, Twilights Protege, Wild left the chain a few months ago to help his Zelda, Flora investigate the source of the strange magic.

And Hyrule was getting very upset about how Twi would not stay still while he was trying to help him.

Legend and Warriors were arguing as always. I didn't pay attention to their fight. No one really does anymore. It's just a regular occurrence, like the sun rising in the mornings and setting in the evenings.

Four had passed out on his sleeping bag.

And-unfortunately-Wind was making dinner.

I am scared.

Time was sitting across from me, casually cleaning his sword as well. Obviously ignoring us.

I winced and reached up to touch the bandages around my skull. A sudden flash of pain had rung throughout it.

I dismissed as nothing and started thinking about my Zelda—Sun.

And then there was another bolt of pain. But it was more painful then the last.

I opened my mouth to call for Hyrule. But then the world around me disappeared and I was falling through darkness.

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