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Impa's POV

We had filled Revali in about our situation with the Boy's missing brothers.

He grudgingly decided to join us.

Link and I stood on either side of the Princess as we looked for any of the portals.

Revali was smothering his laughter at Wind, who was wrapped up in Sky's sailcloth and Warriors' scarf.

We were at the Flight Range, down on the snow. We were scanning the sky when we heard Revali's call.

"Hey, is that it?" He was pointing to the portal.

Sky looked relieved and nodded. Revali's feather brushed it and three people fell out and onto the snow.

On top of the pile was a man with a red tunic, no pants, and a pink streak in his hair. Underneath him, was a man covered in armor with strange markings on his face as well as a nasty scar over his eye. At the bottom of the pile was a man with a wolf's pelt. He had dirty blonde hair and strange markings on his face.

The guy in red stood up and then picked up the guy in armor.

The guy with the Wolf pelt looked like he had passed out.

"Twilight!" Wind called out. He ran over to the unconscious man and shook him awake.

'Twilight' got up with great difficulty.

"Sorry, Twi." The man in armor said.

"It's okay." Twilight said. "I've done worse."

"I'm glad your awake." Wind said before he stole th man's Wolf pelt and wrapped it around himself.

Everyone laughed.

Twilight sighed but humor danced in his eyes. "It's good to see y'all again." He had a heavy southern accent.

"This is Time, Legend, and Twilight." Sky introduced before introducing us to his friends.

Legend and Time seems to stiffen at my name and looked over at me curiously. I wonder what that was about.

But when Sky introduced them to Zelda, all three of them visibly stiffened and looked over at the Princess.

Their nerves weren't settled when they saw her. In fact, they seemed to get even more on edge when they saw her.

They looked at the others who gave them looks that clearly said, 'explain later'.

We decided to start on our way to Gerudo town to recruit the Gerudo chief, Urbosa to be the Gerudo champion.

Revali was told how to get to the castle and we left.

The brothers gathered around each other to talk (but Sky introduced the man in full body armor as their father) and I watched them with suspicion.

"Impa." Zelda spoke suddenly, causing me to jump in surprise. "What are you doing?"

"There's something off about that group." I said. "They seem familiar but I have never seen them in my life."

Zelda regarded them as well. "They do seem familiar." She said carefully.

"Can I borrow your book on ancient heroes?" I asked.

Zelda took her bag off her shoulders. Link helped her carry it as she dug through her bag while walking.

"Here it is." The Princess declared. She closed her bag and replaced it onto her shoulders, holding a book in her hands.

I took it out of her hands and flipped through it.

I opened the book to a picture of the hero of twilight. I jogged up to Twilight. The group stopped when I caught up them.

Zelda, Link, and our soldiers looked at me curiously while Twilight's family looked at me with curious fear. Twilight also seemed scared but also uncomfortable at my attention.

I compared him to the picture of the book. Of course the book's picture would have a few mistakes due to how long ago the hero of twilight's reign was, but it was an almost exact match.

"You're the hero of twilight!" I exclaimed.

My companions seemed surprised at my realization and Twilight's 'family' were scared.

Twilight was nervous. "N-no I'm not!" He said.

I looked at him with a 'really?' expression and turned the book around.

Twilight deflated. "Alright, yes I am." He gave in. "But I'm also the hero of light!!"

"I knew I recognized you all from somewhere!" I exclaimed. "You're all of Hyrule's past heroes!"

The looked guilty.

"Yeah..." the hero of time said. "We are."

Zelda stepped forward, a light gleaming in her eyes. "Really? How do you know each other since you lived so far apart and in different timelines?" She asked excitedly.

Time explained their quests we continued that was given to them by Hylia. Most of their gang seemed bitter toward Hylia for that reason.

"So how many of your friends do we have to find?" I asked.

"Just Four and Hyrule." Warriors said. "And...—" He trailed off.

"And Wild." Twilight said. "He left the group or 'chain' a few months ago to help his girlfriend, Flora. We haven't heard from him since."

Twilight seemed really upset about Wild's predicament. I'm guessing that they were close.

"So, are all of you named after your hero title?" Zelda asked.

Sky nodded.

"So the. Who's the hero of the Wild?" She asked.

"You don't know him." I swear Legend looked at Link when he said that. "We travel through time thanks to Hylia"—he glared at the sky—"so we can be in a time before one of us was even born."

"Oh." I said. "So the hero of the Wild's time hasn't happened yet."

"No." Wind said, looking comical in all of his layers. "At least, not technically." He added in an undertone, looking at Link.

There was more to the story then they were letting on. I mulled it over in my mind for the rest of the journey.

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