"I... don't know." Sonic honestly has no idea why Shadow kissed him. Actually, he doesn't know why Shadow kissed him the first time. They were arguing and yeah, Sonic may have said choice words that he'd never said before. He knows he told Shadow he kissed the ebony hedgehog just because he didn't want to get violent, but he never asked Shadow why he kissed him in the first place. 'Maybe it was the same reason, especially with what had happened between him and Zero...'

Jules looks from his son over towards the door and he recalls memories of the night when he was in Sonic's room with the other two hedgehogs. After he had grabbed some clothes for that miserable deity and went back into the room, Shadow had called Mephyllis a 'son of a bitch' and was about to attack the deity. And then when he called the deity out for being in love with his son, he had seen Shadow tense slightly, as if the ebony hedgehog was being asked the question instead.

Amy's statement pops into Jules' head from the night when the stalker sent the letters to Shadow: "You two used to be friends, maybe not the best of friends but you guys would always have friendly competitions. What happened?"

"Life happened, Rose. That's all."

Jules closes his eyes and rubs his face, finally putting it together. 'I'm not sure how long, but Shadow has had feelings for Sonic for quite some time now, which explains why he was so hostile to Mephyllis at breakfast...' He shakes his head and looks back to his son, finally seeing him smile at his approaching friends who are still confused at the situation regarding Shadow. 'How many people do you have after you, son?'

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Acorn Kingdom – Hospital – Cafeteria – 11:58 a.m.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"So~" Rouge starts as she pays for water bottle and turns back to her friend, torn between looking smug and confused. "-any particular reason why you kissed him? Thought you didn't like him?"

Shadow cuts his eyes at Rouge before he shakes his head and snatches the beverage from her hand. He then turns and makes his way out of the cafeteria. "I don't."

"Ha," the laugh leaves the bat as she walks on his right side. "-sure could've fooled me. Didn't know you had it in you to not only kiss him but to do it in front of everyone-"

"It was to distract him." He says quietly as they pass a crowd of people. He doesn't want anyone to overhear them or even know they're talking about Sonic.

Teal eyes blink and all amusement is wiped off Rouge's face. "To... distract him?"

They turn the corner and see Knuckles right in front of them, looking confused. Apparently, the echidna heard the last part despite Shadow speaking low.

"Distract him from what?" Knuckles asks as he leans against the wall.

Shadow sighs and stops walking. Instead, he tightens his hold on the water bottle some and closes his eyes, trying not to get upset. Not at them, but from what Sonic had gone through. "He described Hell to us. We knew he went through something terrible, but we didn't know just how bad it was. The first that happened when he got there was witnessing Tails' death and then forced to drink his blood."

The stalker's words echo in Rouge's mind: "No, I just wanted to ask, has Sonic been more on the overprotective side with you?"

Rouge lets out a sigh and shakes her head before she looks between the echidna and hedgehog. "The poor thing. I can't imagine what was going through his head when that was happening."

Violet eyes look down at the white tile floor. "And then for him to watch all of us die and not to be able to do anything about it..." Knuckles voice is low and solemn, almost as if he had to force the words out from his mouth.

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