Contract Dissolution

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"Hey, I didn't fall for it." You say indignantly.

"Azul ain't just duplicitous!" Grim throws his paws in the air. "He's like, octaplicitous! We've been had again!"

"Regardless," Leona continues. "the quickest way to test your theory is to remove the contracts from the vault."

Azul's eyes widen, looking to you. "This was your idea? Why? Why am I being hassled like this? You stand to gain nothing whatsoever from releasing the anemones! Why would you do this? It's ridiculous!"

You try to say something but can't find the words.

Leona chuckles. "Frankly, I couldn't agree more with you, Azul. But that's what makes her so special, sets her apart from the likes of us."

Leona smugly grins. "So, Azul... How about you and I make a deal?"

Azul was taken aback. "I'm sorry?"

Leona tilts his head. "What are you prepared to offer me if I return these contracts to you?"

"I-I'll do anything." Azul takes a step forward. "I'll give you all the study guides you want. I'll write your graduation thesis. I'll pad your attendance. Anything, just name it!"

Leona puts a hand to his chin, humming in thought. "Interesting. That's a pretty tempting offer."

Azul grins. "Then-"

"Here's the thing, though." Leona interrupts. "No offense, but none of that's gonna be enough to justify me returning these contracts."

Azul frowns. "What?"

"See, Y/N's got me over a barrel right now." Leona explains. "If I don't help Team Ramshackle dispose of these contracts, that annoying cat of hers will make a huge racket outside my room every day until morning."

Leona tilts his head and grins at Azul. "Basically, if you take their dorm away from them, they take my good night's sleep away from me. I want them gone from Savanaclaw, so these things have gotta go."

"THAT'S what this is all about?" Azul couldn't believe it.

"Sorry, Azul." Leona smiles down at you. "You're just not quite as dastardly a villain as Y/N is."

"R-ridiculous." Azul stutters. "Don't do it!"

"Now..." Magic swirls all around Leona. "Kneel before me! King's Roar!"


Azul lunges for the lion but it's too late. The contracts in Leona's hands dissipate into sand. Azul falls to his knees in despair.

"My... My golden contracts... All reduced to dust."

You can't help but feel a little heartbroken for him. You didn't want to make Azul feel this way, but you had to do something to save your friends and your dorm.

Ruggie puts his hands on his hips. "Azul's signature spell, It's a Deal... Once the contract scroll is signed, it cannot be damaged, regardless of how many people try."

"You made a show of how unbreakable it was several times, just to hammer that impression home..." Leona says to Azul. "But there's no such thing as a spell that's completely flawless. From what I saw, it looked like they were impervious to damage only under specific conditions. Namely, either being in the VIP room, or being in your hands."

Leona smirks. "And judging by how easily my magic turned them to sand, I was right. The contract scrolls themselves are no stronger than any other sheet of paper."

"I... I don't believe this..."

Ruggie laughs. "You could just knock Y/N into next week for trying to blackmail you. I've been wonderin' why you'd go to all this trouble, and I think I've finally figured it out."

Leona quirks an eye at the hyena. "Oh yeah?"

Ruggie grins, leaning in to whisper to the lion. "You secretly like her. No wonder you've been so helpful to her."

Leona shakes his head, laughing. "Nobody likes a snoop, y'know. I'm just a nice guy who can't ignore a friend in need, that's all."

Ruggie let's out a laugh. "Listen to you, laughin' at your own jokes."

Azul screams in frustration. You and the boys take a step back in shock. Azul glares at the ground.

"It's gone. My carefully amassed collection of magic... My omnipotent power..."

Ruggie flattens his ears against his head. "Talk about changin' your tune..."

"All of it, up in smoke!" Azul looks up and turns his glare on you. "How could you DO this to me?"

"I-I'm sorry, Azul." You say honestly. "But I couldn't let you hurt my friends."

"Without that, I... I... I'm back to being that silly little octo-twerp again!"

Black ink clings to Azul's hands, slowly spreading up his arms. "That's the last thing I want... I refuse... I refuse to go back to being my old self again!"

Leona's eyes widen. "What's going on? There's a black aura growing..."

"This is your fault for gettin' his hopes up and then dashing 'em on the rocks, Leona!" Ruggie throws a glare at the lion. "Okay, Azul. Let's all just... take a deep breath and chill for a second. Okay?"

"SHUT! UP!" Azul whirls on them. "You don't know me! You don't know my life! All that time I spent being roundly mocked for my weakness... My intellect... Nobody could EVER understand!"

Azul runs his hand through his hair. "Of course. It's so simple. If you lose something... just take it back." Azul glares at the two boys. "Give them to me. I want your prowesses... GIVE THEM TO MEEE!"

Twisted WonderlandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora