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"What do you want?" She asked.

"I'm bored." He said. "Lets go somewhere fun."

She looks at him blankly. "Do I look like I wanted to go somewhere fun?"

It was past eight in the evening and she is already on her pajamas.

"You look like my goddess." He said with the biggest smile, "so lets go."

"I think I've said it already but it might have passed your thick head, but you are crazy??" Jisoo said and started walking back to her room.

She's so adorable.. Taehyung thought.

"You are either going back to change for our night out or I'll be sleeping over."

She turned back at him. "Stop ordering me around!"

That low domineering tone again!!! Jisoo almost flinch as if she was electrified. What the hell is she thinking now??

"What makes you think I'll just do whatever you want?" She said irritated at what's happening inside her.

He smirked, "For starters, I can sell the farm back to you for a 80 million."

"55 million." She said, remembering this guy has the upper hand.

"75." He said with a grin.

"60." Jisoo said.

"66." he said with an extra devilish grin, "point 6."

She pouted. "You're just playing with me."

"You'll never know." He said, "I'll give you 5 min, you better be in my car or the deal is back to 90."

He walks out confidently.

"Sshiitttt" she said hurriedly running to her room to change.


It has been so long since she went out. She's wondering if her black dress is ever this short?

She just slipped it on and grab her pouch and some heels and run off to his car without thinking too much.

"It took you more than 10 min." Taehyung said as she gets into his car.

"I did not." Jisoo said, "I'm sure I'm under 5-"

Taehyung just showed her his phone with the stopwatch on.

"I was counting so its official." He said with a smirk as he starts his car and drove off.

"You tricked me." She protested.

"We were bargaining. Sucks for you for losing." He said with a smile.

"Ughh.." Jisoo pouted and just looked outside the window. "I didnt even put make up.. hows it more than 10 minutes?"

"You look beautiful though." He said.

Jisoo was taken aback. The way he said it is so charismatic.

Its his low voice.. Its so manly.

Taehyung is so manly.

She hushed herself.

Dang why is she fussing herself with this guy's voice anyway?

"I-I have a boyfriend, just so you know." She said.

"So what?" He just laughed loudly at what she said.

She winced. That didn't work.


Taehyung finally found the bar that Mr. Baek was saying. Its a small one but he said that the alcohol are high quality.

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