
Giselle blinked, looking seriously at Jimin.

"...Jimin ah-"

"-I'd be in the headlines for something else, anyway," Jimin whispered, and confidently walked towards the door of the hospital. Giselle closely followed behind, eventually opening the door for her as the flash of the journalists' cameras almost blinded her.

"Miss Yu Jimin, so it's true your father was involved in a car accident yesterday afternoon-?"

"-Is it also true that your girlfriend was also involved in it?"

"Your girlfriend is heard to be in critical condition, could you say something about it-?"

Jimin looked around confusedly, feeling the reporters crushing her as cameras pointed straight at her face. She just held her daughter closer to her, as if it was her primitive instinct to protect her from those people.

"Please, leave Jimin alone-"

"-Miss Uchinaga Giselle, what is Miss Yu Jimin's girlfriend's current situation-?"

Giselle shook her head, not believing reporters were making her such questions.

"Let me go home, please-"

"-We haven't been informed with an official report from your family yet, Miss Yu-"

"-We would be really grateful to you if you could give us that information-"

"-Is it true that your girlfriend said that your daughter is hers just to get a piece of your fortune?!"

Jimin turned her head immediately, her eyes widening.

"...Excuse me?"

"-Well apparently she's been tricking you-"

Giselle looked shockingly at Jimin, as well as all the other reporters in there, who recorded the scene perfectly.

She slapped that reporter.

She didn't even know what had gotten into her, but she just couldn't hold herself in her place after hearing that coming from that reporter's mouth.

She breathed in and out heavily, staring hard at the reporter with tears in her eyes.

"...Shouldn't you have more respect towards people?! Did you even learn that at school?!"

The reporter smirked, "So it must be true-"


"-So, that confirms her situation is indeed, critical-"

"-You disgusting creatures," Jimin began, biting her lip, "You really do not consider people's feelings at all. Whatever sells, you show. You don't even want to know if it hurts the people involved. You only think in that fucking money and that increased income at the end of the month if you publish a brand new scandal, don't you?!"

Giselle rushed to Jimin's side, hugging her as she asked the journalist permission to pass through the crowd. However, journalists would make it impossible for them.


Jimin didn't even have time to react as her older cousin immediately went to her side, pulling her into his arms as he harshly pushed the journalists away. Giselle trailed right after them, seeing her best friend's older cousin's tall figure easily escorting her away from that pandemonium.

Jimin couldn't feel more relieved, as her cousin's driver opened his Mercedes' back door, and he quickly pushed her inside of the car. Giselle came afterwards, carrying Jimin's baby's things, and, with the help of Jimin's older cousin, also entered inside of the car.

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