Chapter 62

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"What's wrong?"

Jimin frowned after seeing Minjeong sitting emotionlessly on the couch, hugging tightly her sister Ning, who was crying uncontrollably, confined in her comforting hug. Minjeong looked up at Jimin, looking devastated. Jimin's heart broke into millions of tiny pieces when she saw those salty, transparent tears flowing down her lover's cheeks. It had been so long since she had last seen her cry like that that it crushed her infinite times.

Ning only looked at her for short seconds, then buried her head back on her sister's chest. Jimin slowly approached them; even if she didn't know what was wrong with them, she could feel their pain.

She had felt like that before, she knew perfectly how horrible it felt.

She sat next to Minjeong, and rubbed her back slowly, soothing her down.

"...Mark's missing."

Minjeong's mutter made Jimin stop on her tracks. She looked really shocked. Mark. Minjeong's younger brother. The brother she cared for so much. That brother that went through hell when Minjeong supposedly died.

Now, he was nowhere to be found.


Minjeong just shook her head. She got it as a signal that she didn't want to speak. She always did that gesture with her head when she preferred to maintain silence. Jimin then touched Ning's hand, holding it between both of her hands.

"Un-nnie..." The younger one said, in the midst of a sob, "Y-you lost your so-on and I l-lost my br-rother..." She kept sobbing even more, in a way that it was getting out of control. "Y-you ar-re s-so bra-ave..."

Jimin's tears started pouring down her eyes, "Ning ah...when you lose someone who's very, very important for you without any reason or kind of try to find an explanation to know why it happened...but you can't..."

"The thing can never lose hope. If you lose hope...then it's over."

Jimin wiped her tears, breathed deeply and caressed Ning's cheek affectionately "You need to believe everything's gonna be alright..."

Ning smiled briefly and nodded.


The bell rang and Jimin got up from the couch as she could, walking towards there. As soon as she opened the door, she was confronted with Chanyeol, who looked stronger emotionally when compared to his younger sisters. Jimin immediately hugged him, muttering comforting words. As soon as they broke the hug, Chanyeol looked over to his younger sisters.

"I'm here to pick Ning up..." He muttered, trying to look as serious as possible.

Ning broke free from the comfortable position on her sister's arms and walked towards her older brother, knowing she had to leave.

Leaving Jimin and Minjeong alone.

Silence filled the living room for some time. Seeing that she kept incredibly quiet, Jimin approached her silently and sat by her side.


She sat closer, one arm wrapping around her lover's waist and the other caressing her locks between her fingers.

"...I know you want to cry. You can cry if you want to, there's absolutely no problem about it," She whispered, trying to make Minjeong feel better.

Without any warning, Minjeong tightly wrapped her arms around Jimin, resting her head on her neck. Minjeong's sobs broke their silence and her tears soaked Jimin's clothes, but she didn't care.

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