Chapter 52

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2 weeks after

"So, I heard your first ultrasound is today."

Jimin looked at her father, munching quietly on her pancake with maple syrup. She lowered her view down to her breakfast again, grabbing the glass with the orange juice.

"Yes," She muttered, before she took a sip of the beverage, pausing the glass down on the table. Her father nodded knowingly and smiled, obviously interested in his daughter's health and the baby she was carrying.

"Have you taken your pill of folic acid already, honey?"

Jimin side-looked at Jeno as soon as she heard his question, and cleared her throat briefly before she even talked to him.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss such a thing."

"Our Jimin, as witty as ever," Sooman said, laughing. Jeno smiled back at his father-in-law, and held the feline's hand tighter.

"It's only been two weeks since we know we're having a baby but I'm so happy...I can't even describe how happy and excited for this child I feel right now," Jeno added, smiling widely; but his smile, was soon gone, "And it is with huge pain in my heart that my schedule today makes me unable of assisting to our baby's first ultrasound."

Jimin gave him a fake smile, patting his hand, "It's okay, honey. I understand you."

Sooman sighed dreamily, looking at his daughter and her husband with a satisfied smile on his features, "This is the Jimin I raised up. The obedient and responsible mother and housewife," He took a sip of his coffee, "I'm glad you finally overcame that rebellious phase of your life. Especially that Kim-"

"-Let's not talk about her, father," Jimin added, looking down at her plate seriously.

Her father looked at her and smirked, apparently more than satisfied with her reaction, which he didn't expect at all.

"I'm glad you forgot her already," Her father told her, smiling at her, "That bastard wasn't convenient for you at all."

Jimin silently glanced back at her food, taking another bite of her pancake silently. Even though she knew Minjeong probably hated her, she believed that somehow she still loved her. Because, at least, she still loved her. Now that she was going to have that baby with Jeno, she knew she would be way more supervised by him and her father and that the possibilities of getting divorced from him had completely disappeared already.

But she still missed Minjeong like crazy.

And even though she was acting as if she didn't care about her anymore, the truth was that she was beyond hurt when she heard her father talking about Minjeong that way.

"Well, I'll go to COEX and explain to them that you need a maternity license because you're pregnant and you can't work," Jeno said, eating his own breakfast. Jimin looked at him, surprised, and blinked her eyes.

"But I don't want to leave the aquarium-"

"-You shouldn't work there now-"

"-I can work there for the next few months. I don't even have to do paperwork, I can always ask the director to let me do guided visits-"

"-Those animals are dangerous, Jimin. They can transmit you diseases and hurt the baby-"

"-Who's the marine biologist here, you or me?!"

Jimin's sudden outburst made her husband look at her seriously, apparently annoyed. She breathed heavily and put her things aside, before she got up from her seat.

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