Chapter 42

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"Quick! We can't waste time, she's losing too much blood!"

Jimin heard someone yell, even if in her own view it was more like a whisper. She slightly opened her eyes and looked around, her view blurred lightly. She looked at the doctor. He noticed her stare not long after.

"Mrs. Lee, you can't leave us. Please stay awake if you can."

Mrs. Lee.

How much she would love hearing a Mrs. Kim instead of a Mrs. Lee.

She felt so numb because of the pain her body was supporting but still, she couldn't help herself from thinking about Minjeong. She felt so close to dying right in that moment, and she was actually wishing she was next to her.

She lifted up her hand, noticing the blood that was going down her arm.

"Mrs. Lee, please keep calm!"

She could feel it, the sharp pain and the cut on her hips.

She could feel the blood gushing out.

She was feeling so light-headed, as if she could barely hold on.

Her arm fell limply next to her body, as she just felt unable to hold it anymore.

As her eyes could barely keep open, she started wondering.

Wondering if she really would be able to make it.

"Mrs. Lee...!"

She lifted her trembling, bloody hand up again, glancing at the engagement ring on her ring finger; the ring that Minjeong had proposed to her with; now covered with her blood.


"Mrs. Lee!"

Her eyes closed.

Her arm fell down.

Her head fell to the side.

And it was like everything was over.

Giselle ran to the house written in the address, hoping she would find who she wanted to find in that moment. She walked around the average neighborhood in Seoul, not minding the heavy rain that was pouring down, and the fact that it was 4AM.

After turning in one corner, she recognized a supermarket and ran towards its direction as if her life depended on it. Recognizing the house just above it, she decided to climb up the stairs that led to the main door of the house on the upper floor.

Her steps were loud and fast as she frantically went up the stairs; not wanting to waste a single minute.

"C'mon," She muttered desperately as she pressed her finger over and over again on the bell, "Please..."

The door opened up, revealing a pajama-clad Mark.


Giselle breathed in heavily, her voice shaking with fear, "C-Call Minjeong, please!"

Mark, seeing the fright in the older woman's eyes, knew right away that the situation was really serious.

"C-Come inside, noona."

Mark hurriedly closed the door, noticing the nervousness in Giselle's eyes. He rushed towards his sister's bedroom, closing his fist and knocking at the door violently.

"Noona! Noona!"

Giselle looked at the end of the hallway and saw as the door opened up, Minjeong came out of her bedroom, wearing a hoodie and pajama pants.

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