Chapter 56

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"...Are you okay?"

Giselle didn't know what else she should say the moment she saw a tear-stricken feline standing in front of her apartment. Giselle was just speechless. She knew Jimin had been kicked out of home after discovering that same day that it had been her father who had paid some people to make her newborn son disappear; and Jimin had also called her to say she was moving in with Minjeong. Despite the difficult situation with her father, Giselle would think Jimin would be happier.

She thought that, by only thinking she could be together with Minjeong now and that they were going to have a baby soon, she would be happy. But it didn't seem like that was the case at all.

But Jimin just looked as if her world had been crushed.

The other female shook her head silently, her silence suddenly broken by a heart-clenching sob.


Giselle stepped forward, immediately trapping her best friend in a comforting hug. Jimin's arms came to her back, climbing up slowly until her hands, closed in tight fists, clutching on her clothes.

"...What's wrong?"

Jimin lowered down her head, biting her lip.

"I went to the doctor, Gi."

Giselle blinked, apparently confused.

"Why would you go to the doctor? I mean-"

"-I have a problem."

Giselle stared at Jimin silently, her words caught up in her throat. Jimin's best friend looked back, inside of her apartment, before she looked at Jimin again.

"Let's go inside."

Giselle hugged Jimin and, together with her, both stepped inside of her apartment.

Giselle had to admit it already. She hadn't felt as scared as she was feeling right in that moment in her entire life. Seeing the pain and sadness in Jimin's eyes and her tears and then hearing from her own lips that she had a problem and she had been to the doctor, it just made her feel terrified.

Giselle closed the door with her foot and helped Jimin to get to the couch, so that she could have a seat, then relax and finally explain to her what was going on and what problem she exactly had. The moment Jimin sat down just by her side, she could notice how bad her friend was shaking. It was like she was extremely fearful of something; as if something was haunting her. Jimin gulped down nervously and took in a shaky breath, closing her eyes tightly. Giselle held Jimin's hands on hers, making Jimin open her eyes and stare at Giselle.

"...What problem?"

Jimin breathed in, looking down as she pursed her lips, before quickly looking up.

"...I'm going to die, Gi."

The moment Giselle heard Jimin saying she was going to die, she did not know what she should think anymore. Those words were just so painful to hear and understand. She would have expected her best friend to say something else...Just everything, everything but that. She didn't even want to believe what she was hearing; it just sounded absurd. Uchinaga Giselle's mind wandered and wandered during the short seconds that followed those words, but she couldn't bring herself up to a conclusive explanation.

It was just so much to take.

Shock just engulfed her; slowly at first, but then quickly as glass fell down to the floor and then broke. She could make out a metaphor of how the glass shards were the last remaining broken pieces of her now missing sanity.

"N-no," Giselle said, shaking her head, "Yu Jimin, stop with your jokes-"

"-I wish it was a joke, Giselle."

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