"Don't touch that until you get the okay from the boys. Now go call them. Hurry now, sugar. Times a wasting." Following her lead, I went into the back and made the first call.

"Hi Mia! Ma should be over there any minute. She wants to ask you..."

Flustered, I interrupted him. "She's here. Beckett, she said for you to come right away. Someone got in here. They broke the front display, and I..."

"We're on our way. Stay with Ma. You stay together. I'm on my way." There was no question as to why. No hesitation on what I asked of him. He just agreed to come.

Aubrey is one very lucky lady to have a husband like him. I only talked to him a few times when he came to town but I didn't miss the way he kissed her on Halloween a little over a year ago. I didn't miss the way he stuck by her, the way his kindness as a friend changed into the love of a soulmate. That's how I see them, Aubrey and Beckett, they are just meant to be together.

I waited as Georgia ordered for ten minutes, just as I dialed Charlie's number I heard Beckett come in the front door.

"This is Charlie, how can I help you?" The sheriff's voice as cool as ever.

"This is Mia from The Flower Pot. I had a break in." I didn't know what to tell him. I know he isn't a good man. I've seen things others haven't but I have kept my mouth shut about it. I don't want any trouble.

"Okay, sweetheart, I'm on my way. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He doesn't sound like he really cares about that. It's just a requirement of him.

"I'm fine. But my store... There's glass everywhere. The roses are..." I stuttered looking out to the front of the store.

"I'll be right there. You just don't touch anything, understand?" Charlie disconnects the call as I step into the doorway.

Georgia is quietly talking to Beckett as he bends down and picks up the envelope. Brushing off the glass he quickly stuffs the envelope into his back pocket as Charlie rushes in.

"What happened here?" His voice bellows through the store. "Mia, sweetheart, are you okay? You aren't hurt, are you?"

"I'm fine. I was in the back when they... I didn't hear anything and when I came out..." lifting my hands I felt useless. Who would do this to me?


I stole evidence. I know exactly what I did and why. I don't trust Charlie to do his job. He's already proven that he can't be trusted. I don't believe that he doesn't know what happened either.  He got here too fast to not have something to do with it.

What is his plan?

"And all of you are here, why?" Charlie asks, looking around the room at us.

I grabbed Leo and Cole as soon as Mia called. We were lucky enough to have just finished with our final inspection of the kitchen in the restaurant when she called. I sent Aubrey and Brynn a text as we walked over to the flower shop.

It took no time for us to get there and fortunately for us, Mia waited to call Charlie. He was sitting with Old Mr. Wilson outside the barbershop. Almost like he was expecting the call.

"I called them." Georgia owns the action. "I came in to get some fresh flowers for the Inn and discovered poor Mia and the mess someone made. Can you imagine how scared the poor girl was coming out to this? I couldn't leave her alone to deal with it, could I? I knew the boys were about done with their inspection and asked them to come help us. Of course my boys got here immediately. What took you so long? Shouldn't the sheriff have gotten here before us?"

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