B01C30 - Revenge

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One day I was woken up at night. The crystal was restless and woke me up. When I got up to see what the cause was, Karl looked at me sleepily. Since we had the improvised door, he slept with us downstairs in the bedroom. We were walking up the hallway together when there was a loud bang and a crack. The crystal instantly shifted from unrest to anger. We were attacked. I quickly turned around and woke up the others. As soon as I was finished, a loud bang could be heard even down here. We ran upstairs. A loud bang was heard again. When we reached the top, we saw remnants of the door flying through the cave. A large crack had opened in what had once been the door. A green giant slowly walked through and grinned broadly at us. He licked his mouth and raised his mighty club. Bruno stormed towards him and counterattacked. The clubs met and the cave shook. Sven seized the moment. He jumped to get within reach of the arm and brought his sword down on the arm with the club. But he was too slow, the giant raised his arm and his left foot took its place. Sven was caught by the kick and flew to the cave wall. Bruno gets ready for the next blow from above because the club was back in position for the next attack. But the giant had only used it as a feint and let his foot slide across the ground, taking Bruno's legs with him so that he fell to his side on the ground. As soon as the giant had both feet on the ground again, he finally wanted to deliver the blow. But a large icicle shot into his right eye. The giant howled.

"You picked a bad time. I still have a lot of anger to get rid of."

Sarah prepared the next icicle. The giant held his free hand over the injured eye, while the other stared at Sarah, red with anger. He started moving, ignoring Bruno on the ground, just stomping on him and charging towards Sarah.

Blinded by rage, he completely forgot that Sven wasn't out of action yet. He took advantage of the distraction and plunged his sword into the giant's side. A scream of pain filled the halls once again. The giant quickly struck to the right to get rid of the attacker. But he couldn't aim properly with his limited vision. Sven was able to dodge without any effort, but had to give up his sword because he couldn't pull it out in time. Sarah used the distraction again to send out her second icicle, charged with rage. It also didn't miss his target, the left eye. The giant was blind, but not dead. In despair, he waved his hands wildly. The club tried to squash us while the free hand grasped at the air. As soon as there was even the slightest sound, he directed his attacks in that direction. The crackle of air revealed Sarah as she formed a new icicle. The giant followed the sound. But before he could reach her, a spear pierced his body from behind. Bruno, gritting his teeth, got into a sitting position and sent his second weapon, the bone spear, on its way. The giant turns in his direction, sensing the source through the impact. But before he could take a step, he was pierced again, this time by an icicle. Weakened by his wounds, he fell to his knees. But there was still life in him. His back was facing us, Sarah jumped to him and placed her hands in the two wounds on his body. Ice spread over his body. He desperately tried to reach for Sarah behind his back, but Sven threw his hand away with an air kick. After that it was already too late for him. He was frozen in ice.

Sarah sank to the floor, completely pale. Bruno let out a cry of pain to release the accumulated pain. Sven made sure that the giant was no longer a threat.

"Sir, you behaved correctly. I don't think you would have been any help in this fight. It would have been far too dangerous to involve you."

"I was more overwhelmed by the situation than it was intentional."

"Whatever the reason was, it was good in the situation. Bruno, do you think you can walk."

"Argh, he got me good, even if it was just his foot."

"You should go to Hilda. Sir, can you lend me your sword and accompany Bruno to Hilda? I'll keep an eye on the entrance while I do this."

"Of course, Sarah, do you want to come as well?"

"No thanks. I just need to get some rest, I probably used too much mana."

"You were all great."


"Sven, please send a message to the Adventurers Guild as soon as possible."

With that I supported Bruno and went downstairs with him. We didn't have to go far to meet Hilda. She was already pacing back and forth in the cooling chamber.

"Ah, finally. I was already worried. What was going on up there? What about Bruno, has the poor guy been hit? Heinrich, bring him to us immediately. Young Master, you can tell me everything on the way there."

Heinrich took Bruno from me and carried him to Hilda's place. On the way I informed her about everything and she said that if it wasn't a weapon wound it probably wasn't anything serious. It later turned out that she was right. There were only a few bruised ribs. With enough rest everything should heal again. To be on the safe side, she would keep Bruno with her for observation. I returned upstairs with Heinrich because he was supposed to transfer Bruno's straw bed. When I got back to the cold room, I met Sarah.

"Master Marco, I'm sorry, but I think the fight cost me too much. I'm about to go into summer sleep. If there's something important, just break some of the ice and I'll try to wake up."

"Understood, have a good rest."

She merged with the ice pillar and went inside. The ice wasn't transparent, so you couldn't see her anymore. Individual ice crystals sprouted from the bottom of the column. We should probably break these, if we needed her.

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