B1C15 - Headache

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The next morning I was awakened by the desire of the crystal. By killing our attackers in the dungeon, the core seems to have collected a lot of mana, which he now desperately wanted to get rid of. So I made it my mission to always add a room to the labyrinth as the first action of the day. But apparently that wasn't enough for him. When I added a room to the labyrinth, it became particularly large, without my intention. The core wanted to get rid of the mana quickly. Was it perhaps too much for him? Or was he still traumatized by the attack and therefore wanted to move forward as quickly as possible?

However. The large room wasn't planned, but what could I do with it now? Given the large area, it could be used for growing mushrooms. Then it occured to me that if I make mushroom soup so often, I will soon run out of mushrooms. When it comes to horn rabbits, the question also arises as to whether they will not be extinct at some point. I should probably switch to other meat every now and then to prevent this or I'll start breeding them too. But first I have to find out, what they eat and then get it accordingly. Mushrooms seem more suitable to me. Someone just has to take care of it. So summon someone? It would also benefit the crystal, if I used some of the mana. Only the mushrooms grew in a cave, I'm not sure a dryad would be familiar with it. What other creatures are there, that know their way around mushrooms? Witches should still be well versed in general matters. Maybe I should try them. I touched the crystal and an old woman with a cane appeared in the summoning circle.

"Hah, what does a youngster like you want from me?"

"I need someone to grow mushrooms."

"Mushrooms? Oh, you've come to the right person. What kind do you need?"

"Mostly these at the moment."

"Oh, I thought you meant some fascinating ones. These commonplace mushrooms are not a problem."

"Good, then you can use this cave here."

"All alone? I may still look young, but at my age I need some help."

"Hmm and what kind of companion did you have in mind?"

"Oh, preferably a young, good-looking and fit cavalier."

"And really?"

"Isn't an old woman allowed to dream something? Then someone who can do field work, follows my instructions and doesn't contradict them."

Bruno is already busy enough, so I have to summon someone else. But the more people we are, the more we consume. I also have no idea how much those, who are summoned listen to others. Since it's inside the labyrinth, I guess I don't have to worry about detection. So if I want someone who doesn't need anything else, I should resort to undead. All I could spontaneously think of were skeletons, which don't need anything to live.

I summoned a skeleton.

"I just said he shouldn't contradict me, I didn't say anything about being silent. You young people probably have no idea how lonely it is, when you have no one to talk to."

"If you do your job well, maybe I can give you someone else. For now he is all you can have and there are other people further up, if you really need someone to talk to."

"No mercy, eh? Guess I'll have to be creative myself then. Then at least give him the name Heinrich."

"... Heinrich, your job is to do everything Hilda here tells you to do."

"You still have a lot to learn."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll learn that soon enough. How long have you two actually been together?"

She pointed her head at Sarah.

"Sarah is my protector."

"Shouldn't the man protect the woman? You're really missing out on an opportunity."


"Let's explore the cave, Heinrich."

With that, Hilda hooked her free arm onto the skeleton and together they examined the cave. She later told me, what she would need and once we had communicated sufficiently, we sent Heinrich off to transport the needed items. He met Karl, who stared at him transfixed. He licked his mouth and some drool landed on the floor.

"Karl, Heinrich is not something to be nibbled on."


"Heinrich, remember never to go into the main cave."

He saluted briefly and continued his errands.

When it was time for dinner, the sound of bones hitting stones could often be heard. I turned towards the source and saw Heinrich running up. Hilda sat on his back, beaming with joy.

"Faster Heinrich!"

The skeleton stopped near us and let Hilda dismount.

"Haha, you feel so much younger after a marathon like that. Oh, what do my eyes see, why didn't you give me the cuddly bear to support me."

"Bruno already has enough other tasks."

"Then just get someone else to do it for you."

"We don't have the necessary resources to do this."

"You're just weak-willed. Where there is a will, there is a way."


"Can I use the pot when I get a chance."

"Haa, what are you going to do with that?"

"As a real witch, I have to have a pot. I have some things I want to try."

"...It's for food, please refrain from using it for any experiments."

"You're such a killjoy. Sometimes you have to take a little risk to move forward."

Apparently I had made a mistake. Since Sarah and Bruno were loyal to me and showed a certain level of respect, I thought that this would apply to all of the servants in the dungeon. But Hilda successfully proved the opposite. Was it because of age?

After dinner I sent her back to the mushroom farm and let her take a straw bed with her. She should live quietly in the depths of the labyrinth and only come by to eat. Luckily she was okay with that, she didn't want to sleep in the same room with us and who knows, what rituals she would do in the evenings.

When I visited her a few days later to look at the state, she was dancing with Heinrich in the middle of the cave.

"You seem to be having a great time."

"I have to correct myself, you made the right choice with Heinrich. He is a true cavalier."

"Glad to hear."

"You should let him show you, how to deal with older women. He is very experienced."

"I think, I'll pass."

"You won't get far in life with that attitude."


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