B1C05 - Ingredient search

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Once the adventurers left, I noticed, that I wasn't as tense this time, when they were here. I guess, I trusted them more now, after they had brought me so much, even though we barely knew each other. But I can't say the same about the crystal. He still doesn't seem to trust them. Adventurers are probably simply the arch-enemy of the dungeon cores, there's nothing, you can do about that. Karl seemed to be on guard, but seems to notice, that I'm not that tense. The adventurers themselves seemed to be a little more relaxed, but they still had a guard set up, which doesn't mean anything.

Hmm, her presence seems to have given the crystal strength this time too. I feel I have more magic at my disposal. But it's not enough for another room, I think, they were there for a shorter time than last time. I still don't have a good idea, what to serve them next. My ingredients so far are slimes, mushrooms and the horn rabbits. While I can achieve a different taste with other slimes, I would rather try something new. If only I had access to more ingredients. Maybe I could summon something other than slimes. Although I only have more mana right now, that's not a permanent solution. The crystal still won't let me out. That leaves Karl, but since he transports everything with his mouth, his options are limited. Then I guess, I'll have to summon another companion.

He should solve the problem with transportation. So hands are essential. A bull could transport something heavier, but someone has to attach it to him. Since he is going out, like Karl, he must not draw attention to himself, otherwise my cover will be at risk. That really limits the choice. He has to be almost human. Would a centaur be good? Although I think, it would be bad for the forest. A dryad could help me with plants. Aron is right that I could catch something poisonous. But it seems to me to be unsuitable for the heavy work. So maybe someone who is also strong. Then he could also increase security here at the same time. It's certainly not wrong to have a real guard, when the adventurers are gone. But the mana that I have available, is not infinite either. Somehow it makes me think of a bear. But it will be difficult to convince the adventurers, that I have simply tamed it. His bear paws aren't exactly real hands either. Oh, but what about the mixed race of the demis? I could summon a demi bear, that should still be within the realm of possibility.

I touched the crystal and imagined a male Demi with bear characteristics. A bearded human-like Demi with heavy arm and leg hair appeared in the summoning circle. Instead of human ears, you could see the typical round bear ears. He looked at me intently with his bushy eyebrows and then got down on one knee.

"You called me, Master?"

"That is correct. You should help me with my work. I need wood for the fire and I'm looking for more ingredients."

"As you command, Master."

With that he got up again and went outside. Karl accompanied him. First they came back with wood. As always, Karl only had twigs in his mouth, but our new companion had trunks of young trees with him. They put it in the usual place and went back outside without a word. The adventurers had gotten me wood with the battle axe back then, but if you need it every day, the supply is quickly used up. But with what my companions have brought, that shouldn't be a problem anymore.

When they came back, Karl had nothing this time. He simply led the demi to the spot where he usually put the rabbits. The demi had in his arms a few berries, roots, grasses, nuts and a few insects.

"That's all I quickly found, Master."

"Ah, that's more than expected, thank you very much."

"If I may be so free, Master, do you already have a name for me?"

"Oh, right, I somehow forget that every time. Your name is Bruno and you don't have to be so formal with me."

"Bruno... thank you, master."

It doesn't seem to be easy for him to be a little more relaxed. Whatever. First, let's see, what we have here. Roots and insects are out. I have a feeling the adventurers won't like this. There are still two types of berries, a few grasses and nuts. The two berries don't seem to go together, so I make two salads with them.

I experimented for a while until I figured out which grasses and in what proportions went best with the berries. The secret ingredient, a particularly green slime, was used as the dressing.

"Here, since you brought the ingredients. I would be interested to hear your opinion on the two salads."

Bruno took the first plate and ate enthusiastically. Then he turned his attention to the second one. I didn't need to hear his judgement, it was obvious he liked them both very much.

"Both are excellent, Master. I'm sure they'll be both well received."

"Thanks, do you have a preference?"

"I would prefer this one. It's sweeter."

So he likes sweet things. The other type of berry was sour and therefore probably not quite his.

"Karl, do you want to try it too?"


As you might expect, dogs don't like salad.

I shared the leftovers with Bruno and he took the dishes to the storage area. When I wanted to clean the used dishes at the water source the day before, the crystal got involved and simply absorbed the remains. Since then, all you had to do, was give him a signal and he would clean the dishes.

This meant we were prepared for the adventurers' next visit, but I hadn't just called Bruno to look for ingredients.

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