B01C18 - Hildas enrichment

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The next day, when the adventurers were gone, we had lunch again with our usual group.

"You should have seen Hilda rushing to the cooking pot, when I brought it down yesterday."

"Is that so surprising? A witch just needs a pot, otherwise she'll be bored out of her mind. Besides, you made me wait for the food."

"Have you used it already?"

"Of course, my fingers were itching like crazy. I immediately made myself a nice mushroom soup. Nothing against your soup. If only I had my old book, I would have the perfect recipe for you."

"Your old book?"

"Of course, at my age you can't remember everything anymore. You take notes so you don't have to reinvent the wheel every time. After all I'm also a great witch and have so many recipes, that I've lost count."

"What was your life like before I summoned you?"

"My old life? Hmm, can't remember."

"Bruno, Sarah, how about you?"

"I can't remember anything either, Master."

"Master Marco, I have to join this."

"Hmm, Hilda still remembers her old book and Sarah knew about the mimic behaviour. Do you also have any experiences from your time before, Bruno?"

"Not that I'm aware of. All I know is that my life depends on you, Master."

"What do you mean?"

"During the summoning, I realized that if the crystal or you die, it would be the end for me too."

"I see. I knew that if the crystal was destroyed, I would die and vice versa. But I wasn't aware that it also affected you. This also explains the loyalty of the summoned, or is a guarantee of it. Do you know anything more about dungeons in general?"

"I think you know it better, Master."

"I can feel mana flowing through the walls."

"You mean they contain mana?"

"No, it's like a kind of pulse. It doesn't stand still, it moves."

"Interesting, anything else?"

"No, all I know is, that dungeons are a source of monsters, but you already know that."

"I can't add anything to that either. There are no special mushrooms or herbs in the dungeons, so I guess I've never actually been there. While we're at it, I'd like to increase the selection. Can I go searching in the forest for once?"

"The forest is dangerous, I don't think this is a good idea. Can't Bruno bring you something?"

"I think it would be easier and quicker if I went myself than teaching him all the details. Can't he just accompany me?"

"How are your fighting ability? Can you at least support him?"

"I am an old woman with a cane. What do you expect from me? I can taunt the enemy if that helps you, or invite them over for a cup of tea and then I'll give them some poison."

"Haa, Bruno, you know it better. Do you think you can protect her alone? I won't let Heinrich out. It's enough risk if Hilda is discovered."

"As long as she listens to me and we're careful, it should be fine."

"Did you hear, Hilda? No solo activities and follow Bruno's instructions."

"What do you think of me? At my age you know when it's time for jokes. Shall we set off straight away then?"

"No, you wait until Simon's group is through. So far, the adventurers have always come with a little distance, which means that as soon as he is gone, it should be the best time window for the action."

Hilda retreated with Heinrich after dinner and our guests returned in the evening.

"How was the hunt?"

"Everything seems to have returned to normal. At least we couldn't find anything."

"That reminds me, you don't always take the corpses of monsters or animals with you. What are you doing with them?"

"Depending on what the mission is. Sometimes only a specific part is required and other times you just need proof of killing when it's just a matter of elimination. We then bury the bodies to avoid miasma, but sometimes they still get dug up and eaten."

"Do you mind if we get these?"

"Hmm, actually we should get something for that."

"But you get something from the client and we also have the transport. Respectively if you're afraid, that the monsters will get too strong, isn't it better, if they don't find and eat the corpses in the first place?"

"That's true, but it still doesn't feel right."

"How about a deal? If you bring the bodies here, I'll give you something for the effort and otherwise we'll get them for free. Karl has a good nose, so we can find it without your help. So you can decide for yourself what you prefer."

"Hmmm, agreed."

They told us where today's loot could be found and I sent Bruno to fetch them, so that they could end up in the cold storage room as quickly as possible. With his strength as a bear it shouldn't be difficult and the adventurers said, it wasn't too deep in the forest yet. The next morning our guests returned home and Bruno went mushroom hunting with Hilda. They were back before noon, Hilda's arms and pockets were full of mushrooms and herbs.

"It seems to have been a success."

"You can say that out loud, I would like to go for a second round."

Hilda put everything on one of the tables and then turns to me. She hid something in her hands.

"I even brought a little delicacy."

She opened her hands and a frog jumped towards me.


Sarah stretched her arms forward in disgust and the frog became trapped in a block of ice and fell to the ground.

"Do-Don't bring such an abomination here!"

"My frog legs! How can you call this an abomination! Have you ever tried it?"

"I renounce!"

"Hilda, you know Sarah doesn't like meat."

"Ah, that's right, yes, that's why she's only half a broomstick."

"I'm sorry, what?"

Sometimes I wonder if I should look into how to undo the summoning.

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