B1C13 - The crystals best friend

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The three groups in total were here for two nights. So I should have accumulated a lot of mana. Should I summon someone else? But I didn't actually have an immediate, urgent need for anything. The problem with the furniture was supposed to be solved as soon as I got the saw delivered. Defense should also be fine when Bruno is on the move. If I add someone to this, Aron will probably be suspicious too. I was just able to make him understand, where Sarah comes from. However, there is something about defense that I missed. Sarah protects me the whole time and Bruno also makes sure that I learn to defend myself. But there is another creature that needs protection. The crystal. He must not be put in danger under any circumstances. When there's so much going on again, I'll have to rely on Karl to warn me early enough, if someone wants to advance. Which of course doesn't work if the visitor comes when he's outside. If I call someone to protect me from the crystal, they don't have to meet the others and I don't have to think of an excuse. It would also be ideal if it could double as a hiding place. Then there is really only one choice.

I touched the crystal and a little later there was a box next to me. After that I focused on the dungeon and created a new room after the cold chamber. I wanted to create more rooms, but the crystal refused. Apparently I can't create as many rooms as I want at once.

When I opened the box, two greedy eyes looked at me. I ignored them and put the crystal in the far corner and closed it again.

"Bruno, take the chest to the new bedroom."

While Bruno brought the somewhat heavy box to the newly created room. I set to work with Sarah moving the beds from the main cave to the bedroom. The adventurers had brought straw beds for 12 people, so three groups. However, there was only room for two groups in the guest cave, so the last group had set up camp in the main cave. Since we usually never had more than one group visiting, I decided to raise our own standards.

By the time we were done, it was lunchtime again and I was preparing the food. I fried an extra rabbit skewer for our new companion. However, when I brought him the skewer, he made no move to take it.

"Aren't mimics carnivores?"

"They are, but they are very picky. Most prefer human flesh."

"Oh, I can't serve that at the moment."

"That's no problem. Mimics can remain in one place for years without eating. I believe that as long as they are not disturbed, they do not use energy."

"So I should refrain from opening it all the time. Thank you, Sarah."

I spent the next few days using up the remaining mana. Every day I was able to add a room to the dungeon. At first I didn't want to constantly disturb the mimic when I needed the crystal. But the core wasn't happy with me hiding it behind or under it. He always only got silent when he was in his corner in the chest. At first the mimic always looked at me, when I opened it, but over time she understood, that it was never about her and only opened her eyes sometimes. Apparently she could sense, whether it was me who opened the chest. My fear when creating the labyrinth was, that the core would want to be taken deeper into the dungeon. At first I also felt a certain desire from him in this regard. But apparently it was more important for him to be in the mimic than to be hidden deeper. Maybe he also knew, that I wanted him close to me, so that I didn't have to travel a long distance to get to him every time. On the other hand, we were also able to assist him more quickly, if the mimic could not eliminate the danger on her own.

Bruno not only brought the usual food, but also the herbs that Aron had shown us. The search for it was a little easier than expected, as Karl seemed to be able to smell most plants well. There were only a few, that you had to search for without his help. I had made sure that both Bruno and Sarah knew exactly about the herbs and how to use them. It was better if as many as possible were able to act during a crisis. I tried combining the edible herbs into a salad, but many had an intense bitter taste and were unsuitable as a meal. After a lot of trying, I managed to put one together. I would recommend it at the end of an adventure in the future, as it aided stamina regeneration and wound healing.

One day when we were eating together, I came up with a new idea when I saw Sarah freezing her food and then eating it in pieces. My problem with the slimes was that they melted after they died, so I used them as a sauce. But what if you froze their mass? So after dinner I grabbed some slime and asked Sarah to freeze it. She hesitated for a moment, but then, slightly disgusted, she touched the slime and turned it into a lump of ice. I put it in a bowl and waited for it to thaw. It kept its original shape, apparently it had no effect. But when I killed him with the knife, he didn't completely melt away. Apparently only the outer protective covering of him dissolved. But the inside remained more or less solid. When you touched it, it wobbled slightly. I tried to cut off a piece with the knife. Which also worked very easily. The slime had a slightly sweet taste. Since it was so easy with a knife, I tried it with a spoon. It also went through the innards without any difficulty, making eating easier. When I then distributed portions to Bruno and Sarah, I was able to get two positive opinions. We named the new creation Pudding. Bruno also immediately suggested adding a sour pudding to his breakfast. At first Sarah seemed averse to the idea of freezing slime for me often, but after trying the sweet pudding it didn't seem to be a problem for her anymore as long as she could get one now and then.

But the joy over the new dish didn't last long.

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