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I was okay all these years without a girl. I led a peaceful life and have been relieving myself once in a full moon. But after Mozhi's arrival, things have started to alter to an extent where it feels as though only now I am actually beginning to experience the integral aspect of life that I've shut down for so long...

It's addictive.

I don't know If I've been so lonely all this time that the mere thought of her absence could stimulate pain within my chest. I never thought I could become so crazy about a girl. But here I am, unable to control myself from claiming her.

The anger that I felt when she was dancing in that sensual way was beyond my understanding. It's not just about her dance, but those eyes that were stuck on her and filming her while passing vulgar comments about her body. I would've been furious If it was any other girl, but the fact that it was my Mozhi made me even more ferocious that I just wanted to smash those boys' mouths that dared to comment on her.

It might not be a big deal to her. But as a man who loves her dearly, my instinct was different...

Exiting the restroom after refreshing and fulfilling my desires, I put on a green t-shirt and white shorts. I have no idea what Mozhi is thinking right now. I've stolen a kiss and have behaved quite roughly with her.

She looked stunned. Have I scared her?

Turning the hair dryer off, I slip out of my room and was surprised to see Mozhi preparing dinner. She has refreshed and has decked out a blue t-shirt that hugs her body tightly and a white skirt that cascades up to her knees. Has she worn only her panties underneath? Or would she have worn shorts?

Pushing the dirty thoughts away, I walk down the stairs with a calm face.   If only she was at least 21, I would have been tugging those clothes off from her body and would've taken her right on that kitchen counter. But her being a teenager is holding me back. I want her to mature mentally before giving her consent to me. I wouldn't want her to regret any of her actions in the future. I want to know If she would still be in love with me when my hair turns gray and I become old more rapidly than her.

It would hurt me If she decided to leave me. But as a sane person, all I could do was let her walk away while dying inside. However, I can't blame her for the pain I might go through in the future. I knew what I was doing and getting myself into. I am aware of the demerits and that is why, I have opted to keep my expectations low.

Settling on the couch, I lean back on the couch and gaze at Mozhi.

"Mozhi," she timidly looks up at me. "Mama?" She asks softly. "I've to go on a business trip...would you be okay with staying alone for a while?" Her face falters and she shakes her head negatively. "I cannot stay alone. Take me with you," she demands with her brows furrowed.

I need to get away from her for the time being. I wouldn't want to act upon my desires recklessly once again.

"You need to attend your classes. Besides, even If you tag along, you would have to stay alone when I indulge myself in work," her hold on the spatula tightens and she looks at me intently. Gulping slightly, she nods her head but starts to cry as soon as she darts her attention to cooking.

I hurriedly shuffle towards her, turn off the stove, and cup her cheeks, wiping her tears off using my thumb. "I will be back within two weeks," she still shakes her head and embraces me tightly, burying her head on my chest.

"...Mozhi ma, understand," I pat her hair and speak up, feeling awful for having to lie to her and stay away from her. But it's for our own good...

"Seri..." (okay) she says after a long time and gazes up into my eyes, then towards my lips. "When will you be starting the business trip?" She questions, re-adjusting her eyes to mine.

"Tomorrow," she nods and I take in her crushed self quietly. Her cheeks have turned blushy and the tip of her nose is bulged a little with a rosy tint coating it.

And her lips were a light shade of faded pink in the lower lips and dull pinkish-black in the upper ones. They appear luscious due to her cries...

Even though I wanted to give in to my urge, I prevent myself by pressing my lips on her forehead. As I peel myself off from her, Mozhi keeps staring at me.

I felt angry at myself for turning my bubbly Mozhi into a melancholy mess.

"Siri...(smile)" I say while placing my fingers on her lips and stretching it. She acts stubborn and swats my hand, facing opposite.

"Won't smile huh?" I sneak my hand to her neck and tickle her. But she doesn't smile or laugh. She whimpers as she tilts her head.

I was taken aback by her action and it just made me acknowledge about the effect of my touch on her.

I stand still whereas Mozhi swirls towards me, flustered. Before I can speak anything, Mozhi dashes into her room and closes the door.

I could hear her anklet bells jiggling as from within the room and I assumed that she was blushing while rolling on the bed.

Sighing, I resume the cooking that Mozhi had done halfway through. Past 8. 30.pm, I knock on her door and Mozhi comes out with her eyes lowered. "You don't have to be shy around me. I understand your...feelings," I blurt out gently and Mozhi nods her head with a smile on her lips.

"Come, let's have dinner," I catch at her wrist and she walks along with me to the dining area.

Post the dinner, Mozhi goes back to her usual self and starts dancing as she ascends the stair. Sauntering behind her, I could only laugh while watching her funny dance.

She jumps on a stair, twerks her hips, sways her hands, and then again does the same thing once she hops onto the next stair. "How was my dance?" She turns to me at the top of the staircase and I shake my head with a smile as I walk past her.

"Mama, did I look funny? Why are you laughing!? Wait...I will dance again. This time, more professionally," She says and twirls, ready to step down the stairs.

Tilting my body to her, I land my palm against her butt cheek in a light hit and she freezes there. "Should I escort you to the room or will you go by yourself?" Giving me an innocent look, she flees to the room.

Once we were settled in the bed with the lights turned off, Mozhi throws her hands and legs around my body and cuddles closer to me.

I adjust one of my hands under my head and rest the other around Mozhi's shoulder, holding her near to me.


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