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It's been a few days since my mama and I began living together in the same room. He never had escalated our intimacy as he already said so he wanted to wait until I was 22.

But...I feel like he is controlling himself from touching me. Every single night, he would grip my waist and place his head in the crook of my neck, just caressing my skin and relishing the feeling of it.

And If I'm not mistaken, he touched my lips once when I was sleeping on his lap. I couldn't remember it vividly as I was quite sleepy back then when it occurred. But I was sure that I felt some tingling sensation on my lips and it made my toes curl in anticipation.

Don't know If it was my illusion or if something really did happen then...

Anyway, today is the function day, and currently, I was wearing the clothes for the performance in the changing room. Unfortunately, the dress was a bit tighter on me and it's my fault for not giving the right measurements. I thought I would match the measurement of my partner and told the senior sister that mine was the same as hers. But turns out I'm chubbier than her and my chest is squeezed due to the tightness of the dress.

Yet the dress looked fantastic. It was a light yellow blouse that was up to our hip and a long glittering blue skirt.

We let our hair be in a ponytail and await the waiting room for some time and roam in the canteen until our performance time neared.

The dusk fell on the earth when our performance started. I had messaged my mama before going on the stage that our program had begun...

It was a huge auditorium with few girls on the front rows and the back rows were crammed with boys whistling and dancing insanely.

As the lights went down and the song was played, we initiate to dance to the first song, 'Manja sela'. The crowd was howling crazily and it only elevated more when the next song came by...

I purposely didn't disclose about this song to my mama to give him a sweet surprise. I hope he is somewhere in the crowd and is watching me.

The song is a sensual one named, 'Honey, honey'.

When the song started to ring out, the guys were whistling loudly. To match the vibe of the song, we had to dance in a sexy manner and needless to say, due to that, the guys in the crowd were making teasing howling sounds...

Eventually, when our dance performance came to an end, we received a loud round of applause.

Getting hold of our bags from the dressing room, we part ways and go about our own way. I was calling my mama while walking out of the auditorium and I saw him in the parking lot of the campus.

He was smoking a cigarette while leaning against his car!!

With an angered look, I storm towards him and snatch the cigarette off him, and throw it away.

"When did you start this habit mama?" I yell but look at him with confusion when I notice the wrath swirling in his eyes.

"Mama..." I trail off, tentatively.

"What the hell are you wearing and what kind of dance was that...!?" I gulp nervously, startled by his indignation.

"Mama...I made a mistake in giving the right measurements. And it was just a performance mama...why are you so furious about it?" I ask, my heart thundering at the irritation on his face.

"Do you know how much of those guys were watching you guys with filthy eyes!? They were even filming you.." he runs his hands through his hair, frustrated.

"How is that my fault..." I ask with a frown.

"It is not your fault Mozhi ma! But I couldn't stand those stares on you..." I understand his point of view and sigh softly. "...leave it, mama. We can't do anything," he nods, his forehead crinkling with stress lines.

"Let's go, home mama, come," I tug at his wrist and we both settle inside the car. "Don't smoke again mama," I say as he starts the car. "..hmm..." I could understand that he is still fierce over the matter and I let him be, speculating to talk about this once we are in our home.

The ride was extremely silent and as soon as we reach our home, mama marched in while I rush behind him.

"Mama," I grab at his wrist, halting him in the lounge. "I cannot forget those stares Mozhi ma. You wouldn't want to know what they must've been thinking in their head..." He fists his hand and I stand there, not sure how to soothe him.

"Mama...calm down," I rub his arms and he looks down at me possessively.

"You are mine Mozhi ma," I nod my head at him. "Yes, mama..." He suddenly grips the back of my neck and tilts my head up.

"...every inch of you is mine Mozhi," goosebumps run over my skin as he says that in an intoxicated way.

"Yes, mama..." I submit myself to him and he harshly lands his lips on mine, catching me completely off-guard as I shudder at his unexpected move.

His lips were rough and his kiss was dominant, not giving me a chance to breathe out. My heartbeat escalates and I shut my eyes tight as his lips encroach my mouth and kiss me intently and deeply.

He covers my mouth with his and as If he is chewing on a fruit and is tasting its addictive essence, he devours my mouth roughly.

The moment he leaves my lip, I breathe heavily and stumble back.

Fortunately, I end up sinking on the couch that sits behind me and I try to catch my breath and comprehend what has just taken place...

I had my first-ever kiss.

And it was nothing like I imagined.

It was more than what I could have ever imagined it to be.

A few minutes later, I look up and see my Parthi mama who is staring down at me with lustful eyes...

My body tingles unbearably and my core starts to leak but I manage to speak up, "I need to freshen up mama..." He nods and with my jelly legs, I quietly stroll past him.

The day was like a dream...



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