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The next two days were extremely hectic as the college professors endlessly lectured, some about life and some about the contents of our syllabus.

I didn't even get enough time to mingle with my classmates. However, I had created a good bond with the girl who sits beside me, named Priya. She is from Telangana and we both communicate with each other in English and I can already sense that she's a very sweet one...

Presently, it's Saturday, one of the weekend days but here I am getting ready to attend the classes. I'm so exhausted. It's so unfair to conduct classes even on Saturdays! Yet what could I possibly do?

Combing my hair roughly, I let it cascade down my waist and I gather a few hairs from beside my hair and pin it with a small clip in the middle.

Then I amble slothfully to the dining area and recline in one of the chairs with an uninterested look on my countenance. "Here," Mama slides a plate of yummy food in front of me and I curiously dig in as usual.

"How's the college and classes ma?" I stare up at mama and scrunch my face. "Too boring!" Mama smiles slightly at my expression.

"It will get better as days go by," I nod my head nonchalantly towards my mama and proceed to eat the food.

Post the breakfast, Mama drops me at the college and I gaze at him longingly as he drives off. I honestly want to spend more time with my mama but due to this college schedule, I'm not able to do so!

God, how will I keep my mama happy when I don't even get enough time to be with him?

After college, I become dead tired and I go into a deep slumber. By the time I woke up, mama and I would have dinner together and then he would either leave to his study room or go to his bedroom to doze off.

Hence firstly, I need to do something effective to intrude in his bedroom and have my place in his bed! If I do that, then I could spend a lot of time with my Parthi mama.

"Kani," I snap out of my thoughts and look at the person walking beside me.
It's Priya! "Good morning," I greet her with a smile and she mirrors the smile back before greeting me the same.

We both chat about random things as we saunter to our class located on the third floor. Upon attaining so, we settle in the third row, and suddenly, out of nowhere, a guy pops up in front of us. I dart my eyes to Priya who gives me a dubious glance.

"I'm Sam," he forwards his hand to us and we both shake it hesitantly, introducing our names in the process. Judging by the branded shirt and platinum necklace on his neck, I concluded that he is from a very rich background. He also has a good scent and has an kind smile.

This guy is handsome!

"Where are you both from?" He asks in English, planting his palms against the desk. "My native is Telangana," Priya replies and his eyes widen. He immediately blurts out something in Telugu which I discerned a bit, "Nak kuda telugu matladadam vacchu" (I can speak Telugu too) I assumed that he knows to speak Telugu as well.

Priya has a happy smile on her face as he finishes his sentence. "Are you from Telangana too?" Priya questions and the guy shakes his head. "From Andhra Pradesh," Priya lets out an "Oo..." And subsequently, they both began exchanging words in Telugu while I blinked at both of them in oblivion. However, I found their conversation cute though I couldn't understand anything.

"...excuse me guys," I stop them in mid way of their conversation after a while of being a spectator and both of them divert their attention to me. "Oh sorry ra, I totally forgot about you," Priya grips my hands and lends me an apologetic look.

"It's fine," I smile at her and shift my eyes towards Sam. "So where were you from again?" He asks cooly. "I'm from Coimbatore," he nods his head and puts forth another question.

"You both are staying in the hostel?" Priya nods her head positively while I shake mine. "I'm staying with my husband," Priya is aware of my marriage but Sam's eyebrows lifted up in amusement at my revelation.

"Did you elope away or something? How old are you chinna pilla (little girl)?" I squint my eyes at him. "I'm not a little girl! I'm eighteen" I emphasize the eighteen and he chuckles before his brows furrow in confusion.

"How did you understand my words in Telugu?" He queries doubtfully.

"Yes, how did you Kani?" Priya urges as well. "Little girl is said as Chinna pilla or ponnu (girl) in Tamil too," I smile at them and they gleam back in surprise.

We three eventually carry on our conversation in the mix of all three languages.

And only when the professor came into our class, did we shuffle away.

The day was so fun as we conversed in every break we were given. Sam was really fun to talk to and Priya is a complete sweetheart.

I'm excited to talk about my newly formed friendship with my mama!!

At the end of the day, as we bid bye to each other and parted ways, I wait at the campus for the car to come by. But unexpectedly, my mama himself appeared to pick me up!

"Mama..." I grin at him while he signals me with his hands to get in the car. I hurriedly hop inside and was mesmerized by his looks...

The car starts to move but my eyes were stuck on my mama.

Mature, quiet, caring, and a man worthy of my drool.

Mama's thick hair is a little messy at the moment and his eyes bear little dark circles underneath. Yet he came off to be so attractive that I could not peel my eyes away from him.

My daze halts when he pauses the car. I look out the window and instantly, my eyes broaden in glee! We are outside the theatre and If I'm not mistaken, we are here to watch the Leo movie of my favorite actor Vijay, which I learned by the posters of the said movie being pasted all around the theatre.

"Thank you, mama!!" I couldn't contain my happiness in and pecked a quick kiss on Mama's cheeks before exiting the car.


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