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I freeze as soon as she lands her lips on my cheeks. It's not unusual but it was odd now that we are married. Even though I don't want to acknowledge our marriage, it is obvious that certain things have altered between us. Especially our physical contacts.

It doesn't feel innocent anymore.

Chastising myself for melting at her kiss, I wipe the place she has kissed. I am not supposed to feel this. She is my niece.

Just my niece.

Moments later, I, along with Mozhi enter the theatre and I brought tickets for us while Mozhi purchased popcorn, drinking beverages, and other snacks. She had a bunch of eating items in her hand as we intrude into the movie hall and settle in our seats.

It was a humongous one, comprising around 250 seats and we were in the middle row. The majority of the people were teenage guys and youngsters. Fortunately, a middle-aged woman was beside Mozhi.

I lean leisurely against the seat as the lights dim, indicating the commencement of the movie. The boys were growling and screaming even before the actor appeared on the screen.

Mozhi was also cheering excitedly and I smile at her action. A few seconds later, the hero was shown and the whole hall was filled with extreme applause.

I was caught off guard when I heed a whistle sound emerging nearby me. My niece is whistling with a delightful expression on her face. "Mozhi, hush," she shakes her head at me and goes on to scream along with the guys.

The middle-aged woman beside Mozhi lends her an equally amused and irritated glance which my niece failed to pay attention to. She is in her own world, enjoying the movie of her favorite hero and she could least care about the judging looks of the strangers.

Most of the people around the hall tilt their head to gawk at Mozhi and I furiously look at my niece who is literally going crazy over the hero.

The people around chuckles at her enthusiasm while I had this urge to facepalm myself.

"Mama! His name is also Parthiban!" Mozhi grabs at my palm and giddily speaks. I just provide her with a blank look.

Forthwith, there comes a fighting sequence and Mozhi goes berserk as she cheers with the guys. Due to her over-enthusiastic behavior, she even spilled the popcorn all over my lap.

"Mozhi ma," I press her name and she learns what she has done but only gives me an apologetic look before fixing her entire interest in the movie.

Sighing a breath out, I collect the popcorn on my lap and place it inside the cover.

A while later, the first half ends, and after a short break, the second half begins. Mozhi was eating her snacks without a break throughout the intermission. She did ask me whether I needed some but I refused with a shake of my head.

During the second half, there was a kissing scene and my niece was staring at me expectantly which I noted from the corner of my eyes. Simultaneously, the guys began to let out a teasing cheer.

I felt my niece nearing my face and I swiftly placed my palm against her mouth and pushed her back onto the seat, constraining her with my fierce gaze.

And for the next few minutes, she sat with a pout on her face but nevertheless cheered at the climax fight insanely!

Many of the guys were eyeing my niece when we were leaving the hall upon the completion of the movie. I felt uneasy and sore. My niece wasn't even wearing the thaali (nuptial chain) out and she hasn't painted vermilion on her partition either! This gives much freedom for the guys to gawk at her and fed up with their peeks, I tug at my niece's hands and hastily walk out of the theatre.

Once we are inside the car, I hold the steering wheel tighter and sigh out a vexed breath, the flashes of the guys watching her bringing me immense resentment.

"Mama, are you okay..." Mozhi trails off while I stay hush, afraid of inflicting my anger on her. "Pull your thaali chain out," she confusedly does what I asked so.

"Wear vermilion from tomorrow onwards..." Mozhi wonders out a 'huh' and beholds me with a small smile. "So you're accepting me as your wife now?" Her voice is playful.

"I'm not. I just don't want any guys to stare at you," Mozhi chuckles at my seriously uttered words.

"Sorry mama. But I will not wear the vermilion unless you accept me as your wife wholeheartedly," I give her an annoyed glance.

"Mozhi, it is not going to happen. Don't get your hopes high! Also, don't you dare try to kiss me again," I blurt out, with a stern face.

"Okay...I can't kiss you as your wife but I can kiss you as your niece, right? You see me as the same now, isn't that true mama?" I start the car, ignoring her smart question.

"I might see you as my niece but you're not regarding me as your maternal uncle Mozhi. Hence, I won't allow you to kiss me," she huffs at my response and glimpses outside the glass, her reaction turning empty...

"Mozhi ma..." She doesn't respond and I let her be. She should adapt to the reality by herself...

 She should adapt to the reality by herself

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Guys have you watched Leo movie!?.
It's damn good guys! And our male main lead's name is inspired from Leo movie hehe😚

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