Lucy Bronze X Y/N~No More Leaving~

Start from the beginning

Y/n was already out of my arms by now, walking around the seats as she took in the unfamiliar surroundings.

"Nana when we seeing Mummy?" I heard her ask Lucy's mum, who was sat next to mine, a few seats down from me.

"Soon, sweetheart, soon" Diane responded softly, I smiled as I saw     Y/n's smile at the mention of Lucy. It has been a difficult three years to say the least.

Y/n still hasn't been able to understand the concept of Lucy being away from us all, but that's down to her autism, so we knew and expected that we were going to have to have a lot of repetitive conversations with her about it all, but now, after tonight, Lucy will finally be coming back home, I couldn't wait, we all couldn't wait to have Lucy home with us again.

"Kei-Kei" Y/n said, sitting on my lap, pulling me out my thoughts, "Yeah Kiddo?"

"Is Mummy gonna come home, then come back here, like she always does- because she left home? She wanted to leave us, for her job" Y/n asked, I shook my head, "Nope, she'll be here soon, and she'll play the game, then we'll all go back home, together, tomorrow" I said, once again.


"There's Mummy" Diane interrupted which immediately caught all of our attention, seeing the Lyon players, Lucy being one of them of course, stepping onto the pitch of the legendary spanish stadium.

"There- there she is, over there"
I said pointing to Lucy, showing Y/n where her Morher was.

"MUMMM" Y/n then shouted rather loudly and excitedly, flapping her hands about, jumping off my lap. "C-MON KEI-KEI, MUMMM" Y/n carried on shouting, and with the stadium being empty other than a few of the others players family and friends being here, it didn't take long for Lucy's head to spin in our direction, waving up to us.

"Kei- Kei, Kei we have to see Mum, c'mon, let's go- let's go" Y/n said as she ran back to me and pulled my hand, "Slow down kiddo, c'mon then" I said as I chucked and stood up, picking Y/n up before walking down the steps where Lucy was standing, at the barrier, waving excitedly at us.

Y/n continued to flap her hands about, clapping them occasionally and was desperately wriggling in my arms, "Careful, kiddo, careful" I chuckled out, getting closer to Lucy.

"Down, Kei, down. I need to see Mumma" Y/n said frantically, "Okay, but carefully walk down, you don't want to trip" I said as I put down the rather excited six year old, who payed absolutely no mind to what I just said and sprinted down the steps, almost tripping but just catching herself before she made it to the barrier where Lucy excitedly waited, pulling Y/n up and holding onto her tightly.

My heart swelled at the sight, seeing two of the most important girls in my life, big grins on their faces as they embraced eachother.

Lucy's POV

"Heya, baby girl" I mumbled as my daughter wrapped her arms around my neck tightly, her legs wrapping around my body too as I held her tightly to my chest.

"Heya, you" I then said to Keira who was now stood on the other side of the barrier, "Heya, you okay?" Kei asked and I nodded, "You?" to which Keira nodded in response.

"Awh- I missed you both so much" I said, hugging my daughter even tighter, holding her with one arm as I used my free one to reach out for Keira's hand, holding it tightly.

"I'm tired" Y/n mumbled into my neck, still holding onto me tightly, "I know baby girl, I know. Not too long, and we'll be going back to my apartment, then back home tomorrow" I said calmly, looking at my girlfriend,
still holding her hand as she smiled at me lovingly.

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