No potential sequal

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It's been several months since the end of this story.

It was quite interesting going back and reading through it. I was a little amazed at how this story was extremely cringe while simultaneously being well written.

When I say well written I'm not talking about plot (since there were many plot points that were brought up but never resolved like Eleanor's 'spidey-sense.') I'm talking about grammar and dialogue and how I was actually able to understand what was going on!

Anyways, I don't plan on ever remaking or editing this story because I plan on making a sequel, so if it ever does come out, I get to compare these two stories and see how I've grown as a writer :]

I have a very vague idea for the plot (since it was mentioned at the end of Chapter 10 how the entities were feeling less hostile towards humans and may reopen the hotel) but I'm wondering if I should bring Jayden and Eleanor back because I really enjoy the two as characters but I don't know if it will work out with the sequel.

I know a lot of followers of this story may have deserted after the end but if anyone's still here please drop a comment and let me know if Jayden and Eleanor should be the main characters of the sequel or not 😔

if not it's okay i'll go do my own thing but your comments are always appreciated ✌️

^^^^ Sorry 3am motivation got me I really don't plan on working on this again, at least for a long time

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