Epilogue 2/2

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Three Years ago before the Incident

It was a busy day in the office for the Battle Reenactment America Association, and many staff members were planning one of the big events scheduled for Dallas. While people were diligently working, the door of the director's office suddenly opened, causing everyone to pause in their tasks. It was Vince Houston, the Director of the Association, dressed in a nice suit and carrying a briefcase filled with numerous documents.

Witnessing his entrance, the staff members returned to their work, leaving the Director alone in his office. After a productive day, he left the office building and headed home. Following a lengthy drive, he pulled up to a splendid household with the Houston family nameplate on the front gate, blocking the driveway. Seated at the back, Vince was engrossed in reading the documents when the passenger side door opened, and a Butler's voice spoke up.

"Welcome back home, Sir," the Butler said, holding the car door open for Vince to exit.

"Thank you, Brewster," Vince replied as he stepped out of the car.

Brewster closed the car door behind Vince, who took a moment to stretch before handing over the keys to the waiting butler. The front entrance of the elegant house opened, revealing a warm and well-lit interior.

As Vince stepped into the foyer, he could hear the faint sounds of activity from various parts of the house. The aroma of a home-cooked meal wafted through the air, creating a comforting atmosphere. The butler gestured towards the living room, where a fire crackled in the fireplace.

"Mrs. Houston is in the study, sir. She mentioned she'd like to speak with you," Brewster informed Vince.

"Thank you, Brewster. I'll head there right away," Vince said, making his way towards the study. The study door was slightly ajar, and he gently pushed it open.

Inside, his wife, Emily Houston, was immersed in her own work. The study was adorned with shelves of books, family portraits, and a desk stacked with papers. Emily looked up, a smile brightening her face as she saw Vince.

"Welcome home, dear," she said, rising from her chair and walking over to greet him. They exchanged a brief but affectionate embrace.

"I hope your day at the association went well," Emily inquired, her eyes showing genuine interest.

Vince nodded, "It was a busy one, preparing for the upcoming event in Dallas. But everything is falling into place."

As they settled into a conversation about their respective days, the butler discreetly entered the room, holding a tray with a steaming cup of coffee for Vince. Placing it on the desk, Brewster excused himself, leaving the couple to enjoy a quiet moment together.

The evening continued with the Houston family gathered for dinner, sharing stories and laughter. Despite the demands of his role as the director, Vince cherished these moments with his family, finding solace and support within the walls of his home.

As the family enjoyed their dinner in the refined atmosphere, Vince and Emily donned their ball suits in anticipation of the local charity event hosted by Emily's workplace. However, Vince couldn't help but notice the absence of his older son, Don, from the family table.

"Brewster? Where is Don?" Vince inquired, concern evident in his voice.

"He is in his room, sir, studying and formulating strategies for his battle plan for the upcoming match that Don and Red will be attending," Brewster replied with a slight nod.

Vince sighed knowingly. "Ah, the dedication to Tankery runs deep in our family. Both my sons carrying on the Houston Tankery legacy is something I'm truly proud of. Don, as the Vice Commander in Vermont Tankery Academy, impresses me greatly, especially considering he's only a freshman. And Red, skipping a grade to join his older brother as a Captain pilot, is truly the best of the best—a remarkable Ace pilot."

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