Chapter 18

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It shows the head medic of Davy Crockett, named Ben, looking over Houston, who is now lying on the recovery bed, with Jefferson, his Vice Commander, looking over at him. Houston has one of his arms covering his face. As Ben walked over to Jefferson, he looked at him and spoke.

"Is Commander Houston going to be okay?" Jefferson asked.

"Yes, he's going to be alright... You know he's very lucky to have survived from what I could gather. His seizure was the same result of what happened to him during the Dallas tournament match, if you remember that," Ben said.

"Yeah... He's extremely lucky to have survived that," Jefferson replied as he looked over at Houston.

"You know, if you guys hadn't gotten the syringe that would later save his life, his heart could have stopped," Ben explained.

Houston's coughing fit subsided as he stubbornly sat up, despite Ben's attempts to keep him in bed. Jefferson couldn't help but offer a wry smile at his commander's resilience.

"Look who came back from the dead," Jefferson remarked with a mixture of relief and amusement.

Houston pushed himself up, wincing at the lingering discomfort. "Damn... My head hurts... and my body seized up all of a sudden. Haven't felt it since..."

"Since Dallas," Jefferson finished the sentence for him, understanding the gravity of the situation. The memories of that fateful tournament match were still fresh in their minds.

Ben, though concerned, recognized Houston's determination. "Commander, you really should rest," he urged.

Houston's determination burned brightly, and he was unwilling to rest when he believed the city was still in danger. He turned to Ben, making his case clear. "I can't rest, Ben. If I do, who will stop Commander Chiaki and her siege artillery from hitting this city? Someone like me has to destroy it before it's used."

Before Ben could respond, Jefferson stepped in to provide an update. "Actually, while you were recovering from your seizures, the other Commanders like Muller and the others have agreed to take out the siege artillery with our Rangers, along with Muller's Stormtroopers and Wesley's Commandos. Marshal Commander Maho and her team are providing armor support as well. Our boys will be going on foot."

Houston's eyes widened in disbelief. "What?! Are they insane? I told Graham and Muller that the Federation might be using live ammo!"

Jefferson nodded gravely, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I know, Commander, but they believe it's the best course of action. They're determined to eliminate the threat before it's too late."

Houston clenched his fists, torn between his duty to protect and his physical condition.

Determination etched on his face, Houston gathered his gear despite the protests from Jefferson and Ben. He couldn't stand idly by while his comrades faced a potentially devastating situation.

"Houston, you just suffered from seizures; you need some rest," Jefferson pleaded, genuinely concerned for his commander's well-being.

Houston paused, his eyes reflecting the weight of his decision. "If I sit here and do nothing while our guys and Maho and her school team try to fight Commander Chiaki without knowing they're using live rounds, it will be a massacre. I'm not letting anyone else die like we witnessed in Dallas."

Ignoring the protests of his subordinates, Houston left the medical room, determined to prevent another tragedy from occurring. Jefferson and Ben exchanged worried glances, knowing they couldn't dissuade their commander when his sense of duty was so strong.

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