Deleted Chapter 3

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A picture of the area from Oshima Island was displayed on the setup plan board as it showed Graham standing in front of his unit as he spoke up.

"Ok, Grand Lake High boys... Japs and the Federation have us pushed back to the ridge. They have massive amounts of girls and armor pouring in, and they're gonna throw everything they got at us..." Graham said as he drew the arrowheads in the direction from which they would be coming.

"The saving grace is we have a well-established defensive line looking down on them. As you can see, the weather is holding back more of our reinforcements, but we have heavy artillery tasked to help when they can also, thanks to Commander Wesley and his artillery team for being here with us.... But I'm going to give it to you straight, we're barely holding on. So Raiders.... Let's get in there and supplement the line and hold either Saunders, Kuromormine, or Pravda back." Graham said as he dismissed his unit.

Alone in the room, he sighed as he looked at where they had retreated to, knowing this area that Graham and his Tankery team were in was their last stand to halt the counteroffensive.

Taking a huge deep breath, he then began shaking off the nerves, but twisting his head around and mumbling.

"Okay.... you know, New York, unique New York, you know you need unique New York... She makes a proper cup of coffee and a copper coffee pot, she makes a proper cup.... Alright..... Jaylon Graham, Hollywood national star actor, you got this...." Graham said as he walked out of the briefing tent.

Meanwhile, it shows the Saunders' camp area as they were just resting for a moment after taking the fight to the Americans. The girls of Saunders were happy to see how far they managed to push back one of the major schools, and Kay wanted to take the fight to Graham and his boys.

But as they pushed his forces back to his last defense, Kay decided they should rest for a bit so they could get their supplies and fresh ammo for their tank shells.

"Man, I never thought facing Grand Lake High would be this easy," Kay said as she leaned back in her chair.

"Yeah, and I thought they were the 'Big Three.' Since Kuromormine and Pravda forced Commander Houston and Commander Muller back, as they are sending a different company to face them," spoke Alisa as she warmed herself in their school uniform winter jackets they brought with them.

"Yeah, speaking of which, Kay, you know we're facing the *cough* Hollywood American *cough*," Naomi said as she flipped a page of the book.

"Yes, yes, I know Jaylon Graham, the 'International Star' that he so calls himself. I mean, is he really as good of an actor as he claims?" Kay asked.

"From what I've heard, he's quite the celebrity," Naomi replied, her tone tinged with skepticism.

"He might be good on screen, but let's see how he handles himself on the battlefield," added Alisa, a determined glint in her eyes.

Kay nodded thoughtfully. "Regardless of his acting skills, we can't underestimate their tactics or determination. Grand Lake High has a reputation for a reason."

As the girls continued their discussion, a sense of camaraderie filled the air. Despite the cold weather and the uncertainties of battle, they were united in their purpose. Their tanks might have been their weapons, but it was their teamwork and spirit that truly made them formidable.

With renewed determination, Kay stood up from her chair. "Alright, let's make sure our tanks are fully prepared. We'll show Grand Lake High what Saunders' Girls High School is made of."

The Sensha-Do Federation's counter-offensive was swift and deadly, pouring into the northern sector. The enemy drove the boys from the twin cities of Rocherath and Krinkelt all the way back to the Ridge.

Girl und Panzer: The Yankee's in TankOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant