Chapter ✺ 26

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A whole moon had passed – I spent most of the time healing from weakness and learning to wield weapons with my left arm. Orsunr stays by my side through my temper tantrums and tears of frustration – because he's my sparring partner every day – and he doesn't go easy on me. Because of his tough training, he has successfully sped up my learning. I can finally kill a rabbit by throwing a dagger accurately, precisely and with the correct speed to end it's life quickly. I achieve that goal today.

I am walking back to camp with my first kill in a long time, slung at my belt. My dagger's handle was carved from wood by Nyaor, to help fit it snugly into the grip of my left hand. Nyaor had never moved back to Sovrex, he was content in the Nya Swamp, making his potions and medicines. He had more visitors now, as most people trusted him not to eat them. For all I knew, he gave up his cannibalistic ways. Or maybe he still swallowed a few as his Anaconda – what would I know? Nyaor was secretive and quiet and detached, but willing to help each person individually. I figured being around the Tribe was too painful and brought back memories of an old him that didn't exist anymore. When he had Jinaya. That was well and truly another life. We've all accepted he won't integrate, and Nyaor seems to have settled his need to steal me away. Almost losing Callista permanently had changed the ex-Magus to be more open with his brothers again. I guess all of us, always, were constantly changing.

Orsunr could not talk aloud, but his mind's eye was as sharp and cunning as ever and he no longer needed the painting of symbols to charge the connection. I could hear him loud and clear when he was in close proximity.

The Sovrex Tribe was happy in Damp Water– what's more is every Tribe had camaraderie now. There were no more wars between Sovrex, Viper and River Blood. In fact, we were at peace and becoming friends with one another. All of us had faced possible extinction with the threat of Thousands.

So, because of a greater enemy, we had to stay united.

And my Magus.

My Callista.

He was still head of Sovrex, he was still the most powerful Shaman – but he had also changed.

Most days since he came back to life, Callista was busy working on something secret in his Temple of Death. I had a feeling it was to do with his pride, but I had respected his need for privacy as he worked and I didn't intrude.

I bonded more with the tribe and reforged my relationship with my mother. I was one with Sovrex. Honestly, since my own return, it felt like I had been Morgan of Sovrex all my life.

You weren't so clumsy today, Morgan, well done, Orsunr pats me on the back, a snarky farewell as he moves to join some other warriors for the afternoon hunt.

"Spear some fish, will you? I've been craving some like mad recently," I ask him with a sweet smile, and he holds his spear a little higher, cocking a brow.

Shall we practice that tomorrow? Argh! Orsunr won't make it easy, he won't just do what I say, but I do hope he finds some kindness in his heart and just gets me some damn fish for the fire tonight.

"Sure," I reply through a grit teeth, forced smile, "Tomorrow."

Orsunr swivels to go, but I notice the sweet smile on him just before his back is turned, and I curl my fist at my side; yes! – he's definitely going to spear some fish for me.

With a skip and a hop in my step, I move for the main tent. I'm going to make myself skin this rabbit with one hand and my feet. I walk through the front, used to having the place to myself at this time each day, just before the sun set.

From this point on, the hunters would hunt extra meat. Callista would make his way back from the Temple of Death. Then we'd all cook, feast, eat, dance, fuck and sleep.

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