Chapter ✺ 2

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It's long past midnight since we arrived in the Sovrex Tribe's base camp.

It's not as I thought.

Dampwater is a secluded place for a Tribe by a small river, and many creeks, with a deep and damp forest all around. It had many hiding places, which was a small benefit. I've just watched my mother being led back to camp covered by water and muck, half drowned, but alive. She's taken back to a tent where she is handed to Healers.

She survived six minutes of her head being pushed under the water of the river.

Callista had observed the punishment and decided to free her, as she proved a second life had been granted by the Sun. We all worshipped the Sun for guidance, and if you could prove courage you were in favour of a bright life. I guess he saw it in her, and my relief was immense.

I had watched from the trees. The whole terrain was unfamiliar to me, and very dense, so I had been exploring by myself for a few hours. It is where I stay, with the sounds of the deep night my only companion as I stray from all the members of Sovrex.

I remain on the outskirts of their haunting forest they call home, spying over their camp.

Now that my mother was safe, I was spending this last bit of time of my own, on a small walk around the perimeters. I had been silenced and ignored, but happily stayed out of sight, while the Magus Callista had been organising his Tribe to treat their new females with some patience.

It wasn't mercy, but a warning.

Callista wanted you to follow rules. Not to act like animals.

You must be disciplined to be in Sovrex. A strange comfort to me.

I wait until I see Callista return to his tent, towering over all the others, before I sneak over to my mother, to check in on her. I poke my head through the back of the Healer's tent. My mother is being massaged and fed by the Healers, taken good care of, though she looks washed out.

Her eyes roll back to see me peeking in, and she seems to breathe so heavy in relief, she can finally let go. I watch her close her eyes to sleep then, as I slip back out.

As I turn around, I'm met with a surprise stalker. Ah. The infamous Orsunr. Best hunter.

It's Callista's brother. He has canines which have been sharpened and a long spear is held in his hand. The spear head has been sharpened and is ready to pierce his next kill. He watches me with narrowed black eyes, as I move back into the trees, keeping my eyes trained on him.

Orsunr is not impressed by me, and I am only impressed by his height equal to Callista, though only half of Orsunr's body is marked by Inck. Callista was the best warrior, because he had killed more men, and he was entirely covered in Inck.

None of the Tribe seem to like the sight of me. That I do note.

I was dressed to be ignored. Yet here I am.

Because of it, I know my time is nearing an end.

I didn't have long to live.

I know Callista is planning my end right now.

He was probably planning to steal my soul, and my power.

I challenged him.

To take that as a positive sign was foolish.

I accepted the reality.


It'd all be over soon.

I just hoped I could hold my head up high as it happened.

In a strange way, it wasn't such a bad way to go. Infection or sickness was way worse. If Callista had my skull as decoration, at least I would be remembered as the brat who didn't surrender to the Magus's territorial 'charm'.

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