Chapter ✺ 10

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Once away from the tribes and onto the trail in the forest that will lead us home to Dampwater, Callista slips me off his shoulder and plants me on my own two feet so I can walk.

He leads the way, and I stumble after him.

He mentions nothing of the wolf.

And I mention nothing of the Rites.

Callista and I return to the camp ahead of everyone else, and a small fire that did not fully extinguish provides some light. It had only drizzled here, it had not rained heavily.

As Callista leads the way into his tent, I follow close behind. Inside is a wash bucket, all set up for me.

I drop beside it and Callista comes down with me, stopping my hands from entering the water.

"Allow me," the Magus growls and hovers over me protectively me as he picks up a soft clean cloth and wets it, rings it out and wipes it over my face roughly. I had blood all over my teeth and chin and I didn't even realise until I see it come off. I had been numb to it all.

I spit into the bucket, but I do not throw up, though I probably should.

Callista cleans the cloth again, but this time he pulls back my furs off my shoulders and rips off the rabbit slip with one tug.

Naked, I have blood all over me in strange places, but he doesn't make a fuss as he uses the cloth to wipe my arms, stomach, back and legs to clean me of any gore.

I'm spotless in no time, and I'm still very quiet but not soo scared anymore. I get my feeling back into me, starting from my gut.

I rest my hands, cupped on my knees, as Callista removes the bucket and throws it outside.

Then he swiftly returns, as it's not very late, "Come on," he lifts me up under my arms until I stand, then he shoves me a bit toward his bear hides. I stumble over and he pushes me down onto the furs. Now I sit on them and glare back up at Callista for moving me around like an object, but I know he's just waking me back up, "Your new home," he smiles warmly, "You can sleep in mine now," he says this more seriously, as he now drops and reclines next to me, his hands behind his head as he looks at the ceiling... and yawns.

He is so relaxed after all that.

I stay next to him, refusing to lie down just yet.

"Are you not going to fuck me?" I ask, dryly – and I immediately get a response.

Callista snatches up my wrist and drags me over his torso.

"You can fuck me?" the Magus suggests in a lower octave, so sly, closing his eyes like he wants to sleep.

I straddle his lap, while his dick lies hard across my butt.

I place my hands across his abs as I see him arrogantly waiting for me to start riding his dick.

I wait without moving, then I go to stand, and the Magus grabs my ankle, his hand over my bracelet, and peaks at me through one eye.

I was not going to ride him. But now he grabs me as I try to go?

I hover one foot near his face, "I will shove my toes down your throat if you do not release me," I suggest, coldly. Callista lets go of my ankle, feigning compliance. I look back at his dick, still hard and ready to get milked. I look back at him still closing his eyes, "You chose me, I did not choose you, remember that," I speak over him, as I step over his face and sit on his chest, my thighs either side of his head. Now he opens both his eyes, as I have him caged, with my hands running through his hair, playing with him, "I am a warrior, a witch, and now a wolf... and then last of all, I'm your Morgan, don't forget that," I whisper over his head with attitude, and Callista raises a brow. His large hands grab my ass and lift me forward.

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