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Exhaustion hung heavy as I shot a glance at Aubree, who was still engrossed in her pursuit of the elusive leaf.

"Seriously, Aubree? We've been here for over 25 minutes, and you're still after that one leaf? Can't you go for the easy ones?" I huffed, the tiredness in my voice was the evidence

Her eyes never left the target. "Only this leaf is perfect, Red. You'll understand when you see it in my book."

"Heck that!" My frustration spilled out, watching her struggle as the wind finally sent the stubborn leaf into her face.

A relieved sigh escaped me, "Oh, thank the universe."

"Success! This will look so vintage in my book," Aubree beamed, safely tucking away her precious find.

"Done plucking leaves? Because we've been standing here for 25 minutes, I could use a drink. I'm thirsty, you know?" I nudged her, half-exasperated.

"Alright, let's head to a local supermarket," Aubree said, she wasn't tired not even a little bit, probably she got charged because of the leaf

Navigating through the supermarket, I beelined for the cooler section, dragging Aubree along.

"Behold, the holy grail of refreshment!" I said dramatically, extracting a can with theatrical flair.

"I'll take this one," I confirmed, brandishing my chosen beverage.

Aubree, ever the aficionado, opted for apple juice. After a playful banter at the checkout, we cracked open our drinks, relishing the cool liquid as we strolled out.

As we made our way, Aubree couldn't resist a playful jab, "You know, Red, you have a thing for dramatic entrances, even at the drinks aisle."

I smirked, "Well, you know me, always ready to turn a casual drink run into a theatrical experience. Keeps life interesting."

She chuckled, "Interesting? More like unpredictable. I half-expected you to break into a dance routine right there."

I feigned offense, "Hey, I have some serious dance moves. Just saving them for the grand finale."
we burst into laughter, we got weird looks from strangers but we could care less
And then, suddenly, a masked figure materialized, snatching Aubree's purse and darting away.

"What on earth?" We took off after the mysterious thief. I hurled my juice can at him, a futile attempt that missed its mark.

"You better return that purse, you moron!" Aubree shouted, launching her own can and hitting the thief on his butt, that made him look like he'd peed his pants.

The pursuit led us through different alleys, we didn't give up, nah not that easily. "Get away from us, you crazy ladies!" the thief yelled

Undeterred, we sprinted, and I tackled him to the ground with a triumphant shout. "Gotcha, little boy!" Aubree took her purse back, and gave him a good kick.

Handing the now subdued thief to the cops, we shared a victorious glance, what a achievement "Can't believe my juice got wasted"

Upon reaching home, I joined Ba and eagerly unfolded the day's adventures. "Ba, you won't believe what happened. Aubree and I chased after a thief," I animatedly shared, the thrill of the pursuit

Ba chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Chasing after a thief?"

I couldn't help but laugh, reliving the moment. "And when Aubree flung her can of juice, it nailed the thief's butt! We were in stitches."

Laughter filled the room, but beneath the mirth, Ba's concern surfaced. "You two need to be careful. People like that can be unpredictable. Who knows what his motives are when he comes out of jail?"

His words sent a shiver down my spine, but I quickly reassured him, "If he comes back, Aubree and I will handle it. Don't worry, Ba."

Despite my attempts to ease his worries, a trace of concern lingered in Ba's gaze. "Didn't I just say don't think about it?" I gently reminded him. He nodded, though the worry still etched on his face.

"Anyways I got the toothpaste tube you were asking for. It's in your room," Ba said.

"Thank you so much, Ba!" Gratitude flowed as I planted a kiss on his cheeks, met with a smile that could warm the coldest hearts.

"Now, it's time for you to rest. You must be tired from all the work since morning," I suggested, guiding him to his bedroom. With a tender touch, I helped him settle onto his bed, covering him with a warm and cozy blanket.

"Call me if you need anything," I whispered, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead, my thoughts echoed. Ba had been my anchor for eight years, a pillar of love when no one else was there. His care had been my sanctuary, and in that moment, a surge of emotion welled up within me. I wanted to reciprocate, to care for Ba as profoundly as he had cared for me. The love I felt for him, in that quiet moment, overflowed in my heart, filling it with gratitude and an overwhelming sense of familial warmth. "Sleep well, Ba," I murmured

Avilcret Red - Ara ValeskaWhere stories live. Discover now