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I stood there, looking scared; my hands trembled at the sight of my bully lying on the floor with her head smashed against the wall, blood splattered all over. Did I do this to my bully? Yes, I did this to her.

The whole cafeteria's eyes were on me now. The atmosphere exuded fear, bringing satisfaction to my deepest self but fear to my outer self. I couldn't help but smile a little without anyone noticing.

I woke up from my dream, panting heavily. Why do past incidents have to show up even in dreams? The one you're trying to forget is always the one to appear. That incident happened over 8 years ago; I'm 22 now. It's been years since I got expelled and moved to a different country to stay with my grandfather. My single mom doesn't want me near her because I might spoil her daughter's 'precious' future. Yes, I have a sister who's a total bitch, but I'm glad they aren't around me anymore. I remember my neighbors yelling to send me away when I attempted to choke a middle-aged woman who went on and on about how to be a kid kid and to learn it from her kids. That was my mother's last straw, so here I am with my grandpa.

"Red! Come down for breakfast!" Here we go again. I don't understand how my grandpa always yells my name at sharp 7 am without missing any seconds. I rubbed my eyes and sat up straight on my bed to do some stretching. The cracking sounds are the most satisfying things ever.

I headed to the bathroom, squeezing the last bit of toothpaste out of the tube with all my might, and threw the empty tube in the dustbin. Looking at myself in the mirror while brushing my teeth, I was quite pretty. I had long dark brown hair that reached my waist and dark brown eyes that looked pretty under the sun. I found nothing special about having these eyes; brown eyes are ordinary and normal.

After brushing my teeth, I headed into the shower. As soon as the warm water hit my skin, I let out a small sigh filled with satisfaction and pleasure. After my morning routine, I got dressed and headed downstairs. I saw my grandpa sitting to have breakfast already. He hates it when I'm a few minutes late. I took the seat opposite to him and looked at my breakfast: pasta.

After moments of silence, I broke the ice. "Ba, toothpaste has run out. Can you buy another tube, pretty please?" He looked at me, then my breakfast, without responding to my request. Instead, he asked, "Why are you eating your pasta like that?" I looked at my pasta; I had cracked an egg and mixed it well. "Oh, it's just a lot better when I do this, Ba." He shook his head and continued eating. "Just like your grandma." My chewing slowed as I looked up at him. He always says I represent her in many ways i don't know in what many ways . "Tell me about her, Ba," I asked. He looked at me and nodded. "Your grandma was the most, no, the only prettiest person ever! And you're pretty just like her. Your personality and hers match a lot!" He said it like it was the only thing that made him happy. "Someone's still in love." "Of course, I'll always love my Elora."

After I scarfed down my breakfast, I hopped up, snagged my backpack – packed with all the essentials, of course.

"Alright, Ba, off to hang with Aubree," I said him

He paused from his plate duties, giving me a look. "You're still friends with that girl?"

"Hell yeah, she's my ride-or-die," I shot back.

"The last time she swung by, I found her kinda annoying," he said admitting what he thought of Aubree

I chuckled, knowing Aubree's quirks make her the best. "Yeah, she's a wild one, but a good soul, trust me."

He gave a nod of understanding.
"I'll be back before the clock hits 3, Ba!"
I said, smooching his cheek. "Stash the toothpaste in before I'm back."

Avilcret Red - Ara ValeskaWhere stories live. Discover now