Chapter | Twenty two

Start from the beginning

"It's okay, I'm not letting you go," she adjust the girl, now laying on top of her. Mary buries her face close to her neck. Angeline can feel the thumping of the young one's chest against hers. As she places multiple kisses to her head in increments, it begins to slow down to a normal pace. Mary listens to Angeline softly whispering in Italian, while gently massaging her head. Although Mary can't understand, The tone of her voice soothes her to rest.

"Goodnight, sweet girl".


The sun is fully out, as Mary awakens. She adjust her eyes to the brightness. Then get out a yawn and long stretch that makes her toes curl. She pulls the sheets up to her chest noticing that it's of a different color. It suddenly hit her all at once, what took place at midnight. She cringed and face palm, releasing a breathy 'ugh' to herself. This is the second time she's acted weird in front of Angeline, but Angeline never addressed it let alone judged her.

Soon, Dario comes out from the other side of the bedroom. He shows up nearly dressed, buttoning up his light blue shirt. He smiles at Mary, who is staring at him with wild hair.

"Welcome! welcome to morning. Where we don't sleep. But just rise and shine. Hi, I'm Dario. You must be new here" he announced, getting a grin and head tilt from Mary."I'll give your brain some time to catch up. Anyways, feeling better?" he ask. She gives a slight nod.

Of course she told him.

"Good! I heard from a little birdie that your-Angeline has something fun planned for you two today". Mary watches his eyes flinch.

Promptly, the woman of the hour comes swiftly in the room, rushing to Mary's side.

"How's my girl doing this morning?" Angeline, with a wide smile. She cups her face, planting a kiss on her head Mary. Then smoothes her hair back.

Dario clears his throat, "Umm, my kiss?".

"I kiss you all the time amore. But I guess another one won't hurt?" She proceeds to kiss Dario on the cheek, he dodges it and goes for her lips. Angeline gasps turns to giggles.

"Gross," Mary says boldly, scrunching her nose in a playful way.

"How do you say gross backwards?" Dario quickly says, leading Maryanne into deep thought. Angeline smacks his arm.

"Leave her alone, she's too young to understand our affections". Dario takes is eyes off his wife to look at the smirk on the girl's face.

"I bet". Angeline shakes her head, watching her husband walk off.

"Alright, sweetie pie. How about we get some food in that belly of yours. I made French toast!".

It is later in the morning, Mary is done with breakfast and taken her vitamin that is rich in iron along with a multivitamin. Angeline thought it would be a smart idea to purchase them in both the tablet form—that melts in your mouth and the liquid form. In other words, she learned the first day that Mary can't swallow pills. She would gag or hold them on her tongue.

Maryanne is sitting at the bar stool and Angeline is putting leftovers in Dario's lunch container. For someone who is lean and six feet tall, he is a bottomless pit. "Love, would like me to add the rest of the french toast I made this morning?". Dario comes in the kitchen fully dressed and ready to go. He carries his messenger bag over his shoulder.

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