•pt 7-ghost dance•

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I love this part I'm gonna make this a lil goofy 

Word count: 292


3rd person:

Y/n and crybaby walked down the hall, a bit stunned by what happened in the nurses office. They looked around the labyrinth of rooms and doors, wondering where to go.

"Oh no, I'm gonna be late for class.." Y/n said.

"Who cares as this point.." crybaby remarked sarcastically.

Y/n smiled. "True." She responded, as the two began to laugh. 

"I'm so exhausted.." y/n said.

"The same.." crybaby semi-whispered back. 

Suddenly, two heard the distinct noise of muffled piano music. 

"Do you hear that?" Crybaby asked.

"I do.." y/n responded. "I think it's coming from over here..." 

The two pressed their ears against the door, trying to listen in on whatever was going on.

"Should we check it out?" Crybaby asked.

"Yeah!" Y/n responded, laughing a bit. 

They both smiled.

"Alright on the count of three.." crybaby said.

"One, two, three!!!" They each counted, pushing open the heavy wooden doors. 

They stood in the doorway, awed by the ghosts all dancing in sync. Suddenly, crybaby sneezed. All the ghosts immediately faced the two, starting into their souls. The room filled with tension, as the music stopped.

"Hello.." y/n said shakily. "You all look.. ravishing." 

"Bewitching, even." Crybaby added. 

At once, all the ghosts rushed towards them. Crybaby and y/n, unsure of their intentions, immediately shut the door as quick at they could, as it closed with a thud. They stood outside, their back pressed against the door, breathing heavily as the ghosts clawed at the door from inside. 

"We should get to class." Crybaby hastily replied, trying to make an excuse to leave. "Bye." 

"Okay, see you later, bye." Y/n responded, as they both rushed in the opposite detection, laughing. 


bye bye everypony!!

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