Jolting Electrification

Start from the beginning

Jack clutches his fist, glaring daggers at Azul. "You were onto us the whole time?"

Azul smiles and puts a hand proudly to his chest. "Of course I was. It was hard to miss your fluffy tail."

Azul narrows his eyes, turning back to you. "It would appear you were trying to steal the contracts. Unfortunately for you, they're rigged to jolt anyone who touches them aside from myself."

Ace's eyes widen. "So the whole thing was a setup?"

"I told you that my contracts are completely unbreakable." Azul smirks.

Floyd laughs again. "What a bunch of schmucks! Why would you even try when you know how this is gonna go?"

Jade snickers. "Floyd, don't laugh at the poor things. That's just mean. They're wracking their little brains. This is simply the best they could come up with."

Azul steps towards you. You take a step back but bump into the desk. Azul towers over you as he grins down at you.

"Trying to steal someone else's valuables merits a proper punishment," Azul tilts his head. "wouldn't you say?"

"Indeed." Jade nods and steps closer to you. "They need to be taught a firm lesson so that they never think of doing it again."

Jade stands right next to you. He smiles, making you feel uneasy. Floyd appears by your other side, now completely surrounding you.

Floyd stares into your eyes. "I'm gonna squeeze you all, ooone byyy ooone."

You flinch as they all reach for you. Jack growls, struggling to break free from being electrified. Rolling onto his stomach, he can finally move.

"Get away from her!"

With a threatening growl, Jack lunges at Azul. Jack knocks him over and tackles Azul to the ground. Deuce and Ace both attack Jade, leaving Floyd to you.

Floyd grins as he stalks towards you. You dart behind the desk as Floyd laughs.

"Where you goin' Little Shrimpy?" Floyd leans against the desk. "Afraid I'll squeeze ya?"

Floyd leaps over the desk, using his tall frame to his advantage. You back against the safe as Floyd towers over you. He grins, showing his sharp teeth.

"Don't worry." Floyd reaches a hand to your cheek. "I'll go easy on ya."

Grim leaps in between you and Floyd, arching his back and waving his pitchfork tail angrily.

"You stay away from my human!"

With Floyd distracted, you scoop Grim in your arms and retreat to the door. The others quickly join you.

Jack stands in front of you, readying for another attack. "I never knew housewardens were this powerful!"

Azul brushes himself off and smirks. "Let that be a lesson to you. NEVER try to steal my contracts again."

Floyd stands next to Azul. "Shouldn't you guys be hustling over to the Atlantica Memorial Museum?"

Jade smiles as he looks at you. "Your deadline is sunset tomorrow. The clock is ticking, you know."

Floyd and Jade stalk towards your group. Deuce steps to shield you. "They're about to attack again!"

"Crud!" Ace takes out his pen from his jacket. "Summoning magic ain't my strongest suit, but... I summon thee, cauldron!"

Deuce throws a glare at Ace. "Hey! Don't crib my magic!"

Floyd laughs. "Didn't we go over this yesterday? You'll never touch me with that! Bind the Heart!"

Floyd redirects Ace's magic and the cauldron is sent flying to the safe. It smashes into the heavy metal door with a bang.

"Floyd!" Azul yells. "Watch where you're directing that spell! You've aimed right for the vault, you fool!"

Floyd grins and rubs his shoulder. "Whoopsie-daisy. Sorry about that."

Azul runs to the safe. "No... The door's damaged! The dial and hinges aren't shot, are they?" Azul examines the safe for any damage, sighing with relief. "Okay, good."

Azul whirls on Floyd. "How many times have I told you not to use your signature spell so carelessly? What will it take to get it through your head?"

Floyd narrows his eyes. "I said I was sorry, okay? You don't gotta get all bent outta shape over one little ding."

Azul glares at the twin. "You'd have me save my protestations for when it's completely demolished, then?"

"Now's our chance!" Grim whispers to you.

You nod, silently running out the door with the others following close behind.

Jade steps closer to the two, not aware of the escapees. "Okay, you two, settle down. Otherwise... they'll get away."

The Octavinelle boys turn to the door to find that you escaped.

"Hey, wait!" Azul shouts. "Jade! Floyd! After them!"

Floyd only glowers at Azul. "Gettin' yelled at kinda harshed my vibe."

"Is that really relevant right now?" Azul whirls on him. "How can you let moods dictate your behavior so much?"

"What about you, Azul?" Floyd counters. "What're you gettin' all snappy for? So what if the vault gets busted? The contract scrolls are unbreakable, right?"

"Do you expect me to walk around carrying a whole bundle of contracts everywhere I go?" Azul sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Oh dear. That was careless of me. I let Floyd derail me entirely again. Gracious."

Azul turns to the other twin. "Jade, continue keeping an eye on them... and look after Floyd, while you're at it."

Jade bows his head. "Understood, sir."

"Maaan, this stinks." Floyd starts walking out the door. "I think I'ma cut class this afternoon and catch a nap somewhere."

Jade sighs. "Here we go again..."

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