Chapter 3-2: Summer Jam

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Ultimate Vocalist's Cottage

Dawn of the Ninth Day - 14 Days Left

A new day was upon us, and I awoke feeling even more refreshed than yesterday, the confirmation that Mahiru will be okay aswell as the Third Island being unlocked made up for the absolute terrible day before that brightened up our days.

"Silhouette must already be at the restaurant."

Hotel Grounds

I step outside and I see Peko come up to me.

"Aria, can I ask a favour from you?" Peko asked.

"Well, what do you want?"

"I want to ask if you can join me, Ibuki, Silhouette, Chiaki and Hajime in a... as Ibuki called it a "Memorial Jam Session"? Are you available?" Peko offered.

Performing with Ibuki and my sister... "Hell to the fuck yes!" I exclaimed.

"I'm glad, it's supposed to be a memorial of the four who died so far, Hajime will be the cameraman since Mahiru is..." Peko trailed off sadly.

"What time shall we go and where to?"

"I've asked them to go to the Music Venue shortly after breakfast. I'll see you soon after that." With that Peko took her leave.

I then walked over to the restaurant only to see Ibuki standing in thought.

"Is something wrong Ibuki?" I ask.

"Nah, Ibuki has special plans tonight, Oh! Aria do you want to join in?"

I could never say no to Ibuki, we're best friends so we've always got each other's backs.

"Yes, I want to join in! So what are we doing?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Ibuki, plans to keep it a secret, the only hint your getting is this. Put this on and then at night, come to First Step Beach." Ibuki says before handing me a pink yukuta and fleeing the scene.

"Guess I've got two things to look forward to."

And so with that I headed into the restaurant.

Mirai Restaurant

"Good Morning everyone." I say.

"Morning Aria" Sonia greeted.

I immediately noticed that something was... amiss.

"Where... is everyone?" I wondered.

"I am afraid that they all scattered, I'm the only one left here.." Sonia says somberly.

"We know Mahiru is locked in the Hospital, and Mikan is caring for her." I say.

"Nekomaru and Nagito are both setting up something for Ibuki..." Sonia said.

"Akane is most likely trying to find a way to avenge Mahiru." I say.

"However I am not sure about everyone else." Sonia says.

"I've got something important to do aswell. I apologise for leaving you alone Sonia, but I'm quite busy this morning." I tell her

"No it's fine, I think everyone else is busy aswell. Sonia says.

I then make my leave, so I should make good promise on Peko's meeting.

Jazzy Japes Music Venue

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