Trial 1-1A: Fatal

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Trial of Leadership



Monokuma: Let's begin with a basic explanation of the Castle Trial, during the Trial you'll present your arguments for who the blackened is, and vote for 'whodunnit' if you guess correctly then only the blackened will receive Punishment, but if you pick the wrong one, I'll punish everyone besides the blackened and that person will earn the right to leave this Island.

Monokuma began by reminding everyone of the Trial rules to which Usami replied with.

Usami: S-Such a cruel rule!

Chiaki: Before we start, there's something I'm wondering about.

Chiaki then pointed at the picture of Byakuya that was crossed out by blood.

Chiaki: What's with this picture?

Monokuma: I'd feel awful if he was left out just because he died. Friendship penetrates even deaths barrier.

Teruteru: Friendship....penetrates...

Teruteru don't you dare...

Hiyoko then quickly cut Teruteru off before he could say something else.

Hiyoko: But if that's why his seat is empty... then why is that seat over there empty?

Hiyoko pointed at a seat that lay between Sonia and Teruteru.

Hiyoko: Seventeen of us were on this Island to start with, but then why are there eighteen seats?

Monokuma: If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise. But just know there is a reason for the eighteenth seat.

So there's another person getting involved? I wonder what's going on up there.

Nagito then spoke up

Nagito: Also I want to know, is there really a killer among us?

Monokuma: Most definitely, there's no doubt that the blackened is lurking among you, such a sad state of affairs isn't it? By the way this Class Trial is going to be 100% fair so there's no need to worry, I'm the type who hates favoritism and prejudice, well not as much as I hate Usami and Aria anyway.

Aria: Such an unnecessary comment.

Usami: You hate us that much!?

Monokuma: Now then, let's begin!

Mikan: Y-Your telling us to begin but... what are we supposed to do?

Akane: No complainin' let's just settle this with our fists!

Kazuichi: Were you even listening to the rules?

Fuyuhiko: Didn't that Byakuya bastard get killed in the dining hall? Then everyone there is a fuckin suspect.

Mahiru: Yeah, Yeah your just trying to prove your not the killer yeah?

Fuyuhiko: No shit! You guys went off on your own and started killing each other, this has nothing to do with me.

Mahiru: Huh? What does that mean?

Aria: First of all, there's something I would like to discuss first.

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