Investigation 1-2B: Can You Feel The Moonlight?

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Investigation Start!

"TA-DAAAAAA! You thought it was time for investigating but... I forgot to hand this out." Monokuma then passed out Monopad's to everyone "This is the Monokuma File #1 it displays information about the crime scene, think of it as starter evidence, oh yes but information that points to the killer will be left out. Now then happy investigating!" Monokuma then vanished.

"I suppose we'll start by reading this. It may be important." Byakuya deduced.

Sure enough everyone started to read the Monokuma File #1

"The Victim is Aria Adabat, The Ultimate Vocalist, her body was discovered in the dining hall of the Old Building. The estimated time of death is 11:30 PM. Aria was stabbed ten times between the abdominal region and throat resulting in death. Aside from that no other injuries were made and no chemicals like poison were detected."

"Now that we've read the Monokuma File I suggest we start." Byakuya demanded.

So everyone went thier separate ways. Hajime and Nagito decided to investigate together, naturally the first thing they check is the area around the body.

"I-It'll take a wh-while for me to finish the autopsy. S-So can you investigate around the body until then?" Mikan asks.

Hajime immediately took notice of the lamp that's plugged into the wall, noticing that it's the only thing that's on this table so something might involve this lamp.

Hajime then looks in the area where Aria's body lays and he immediately noticed three things that can marked down as evidence.

"A knife? That seems like that would be the murder weapon... it's bloody and it has this weird green substance on it..." he then looks at the item next to the knife. "Night Vision Goggles?" He examined "That's where they are!" Byakuya spoke up from behind, scaring everyone slightly.

"Huh? What about them?" Hajime asks.

"Do you remember that case I kept in here for emergencies only? Well it contained emergency equipment should anything disastrous happen." Byakuya explains.

"Including the blackout?" Nagito asked.

"Yes, I had Night Vision goggles in that case should a blackout like the one we just experienced happen, but when I opened the case when the blackout occurred... the night vision goggles were gone, I couldn't find them in thier case... which means... someone stole them." Byakuya explains.

"And if Aria had night vision goggles... then, did she take them?" Hajime asks.

"Looking back she probably did, she's the only one who could've stole them. When we were doing body checks I went to use the bathroom for a bit. Aria probably took the Night Vision goggles in the time I was gone." Byakuya deduced.

"Okay, so we know the 'who' but we need to find out why as well." Nagito says.

"And if you look here, there's also glowing tape where her body lies.. I'm not sure what it's for, but I suppose we'll figure it out soon." Byakuya finishes, leaving to investigate else where.

Mahiru, Ibuki, Mikan and Gundham were still here...

Hajime and Nagito chose to talk to Ibuki, who still looked sad at her friends demise.

"Ibuki... um can we ask you something?"

"What you need to know Hajime?" Ibuki asks in a sad tone.

"We know you're a musician, and I was wondering... since you're a Musician you must have better hearing than most of us here." Nagito says.

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