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Mahi couldn't believe it was her!! His daughter, standing in front of him. So grown up now!! Four long years, in yearn of finding himself, he didn't realise how much he missed them until she was standing in front of him.

"You are so bad Dadda!! You didn't miss Zi even a bit!!", She said crying.

"Zi!!", Mahi's teary breathless voice brought everyone o

out of their trance. He soon hugged her.

"No Zi!! Your Dadda can never forget you!! I am sorry Princess!!", Ziva kept on sobbing until her tears dried.

"I missed you so much Dadda!! I missed your Pancakes as well!!"

"I am sorry!! And first and foremost!! Happy Birthday to Dadda's Princess!! I am so proud of you Zi!! So damn proud for whatever you have achieved!!", He said and Ziva never felt so proud of whatever she is doing. Maybe this was the only appreciation she needed.

"You know?", She asked.

"Ofcourse!! I wasn't close. But that doesn't meant I left entirely. I just went for a while Zi!!", Ziva nodded.

"Are you here for your U-16 tournament?", He asked predicting the same. Ziva nodded.

"And you are travelling alone?", He asked again. She looks at everyone and then at Virat who nods in negative, stopping her to reveal about their presence.

"They can't travel with me everywhere Dadda!!", Mahi chuckle still hiding her in his arms.

"How is everyone?", Mahi asked in low voice.

"Everyone is fine. They are happy. Only that they miss you!!", Mahi nodded.

"How is your Mumma?", He asked.

"She is fine!!", Mahi didn't find what should he ask more.

"Are you planning to return Dadda?", Asked Ziva atlast, making everyone keen to know Mahi's answer.

Mahi just separate and pat her cheeks with a smile.

"Come and stay with me until your next match!! I am staying in Mattura, your next documentary place!!", Ziva was again surprised.

"Don't be surprise Beta!! I am your father!!", Ziva smiles hearing him.

"I have so many things to tell you Dad!!", She started excitingly and soon her rambling started which Mahi heard giving her full attention.

"This night, should be just for Ziva!! And next morning, it's our!!", Said Virat, particularly to Sakshi who just smiles.

Another morning arose with so many anticipation and lots of stories.

"We reached Anna!!", Said one of the voice.

"Are you sure Anna?"

"Not now!! I am going back Muthhu!!", He said making him frown.

"As in?", He asked confusingly.

"As in, it's my time to return back to my abode!!", His expression falter.

"I will be here whenever you will ask me to!! C'mon!! I don't like you sad!!", And that draw back his smile.

Soon, their station arrived and they descend down. Everyone moves for their destination.

"We should return back to Mumbai!! I am sure Bhai will reach there by tomorrow only. It's their 18th anniversary tomorrow!!", Said Virat smilingly making Sakshi look at Mahi.

"Yah!! We will inform Zi by phone!!", Said Rohit and everyone approved. They finally move back leaving Ziva and Mahi alone, who were busy among themselves, making up for their lost time.

"Zi!! I will go back tomorrow!! It will be surprise!!", Ziva smiles widely and nods her head.

"Show me Vami and Sammy's pictures!! You must have them in your mobile right!!", Ziva never saw her father like this. So cheerful and enthusiastic. A little more open and to be honest, she was enjoying it so much. She understood, whatever her Dad wanted to say through that letter, which her Chachu made her read two years back.

And now, she can't wait for them to start a new life in real sense. When they will be united for once and all.

And so does Mahi, who couldn't wait anymore to meet his family.

Forever United |A MahiRohiRat Fanfiction| (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin