Friend or foe.

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After Mario's visit to Saiko, he decided to find out who he can, and can't trust.

Starting with Tari....

*knock knock* and it seems she has arrived.

Mario: *opens door* hello Tari. Please come in.

Mario speaks in a calm and welcoming manner, inviting the blue haired gamer into his home.

Mario: make yourself at home, I've a got some pizza in the oven and can't wait for you to try it.

Tari: t-thank you Mario.

Tari was- is admittedly a little scared of Mario, she saw what he did and what he said to the others and was terrified of what he might say or do to her, but the tone of his voice puts her at some ease, and it's comforting listening to his voice when he's not being off the walls crazy.

Mario: *holding pizza* so, would you like a some? Their fresh, I promise, made them myself after all.

Tari: thank you. Say, when did you learn to cook?

Mario: from my mother, she wouldn't let get my own house until I learned to make a good pizza. Hehehe

Tari: hehehe, I can see that. Luigi is the exact same way.

Mario: yeah, Luigi has the better cooking out of us both.

Tari: you want to talk about what happened?

Mario: well, yes and no, I called you here because I don't know who to trust anymore, but after everything that's ever happened, you stayed the same since we became friends, and, I couldn't ask for a better friend. I trust you Tari, I trust that you won't hurt me, or my bother.

Tari: so that's what this is about, Mario, you can trust me, I would never try to hurt you or Luigi, ever, because your my friends.

Mario: *smiles* thank you Tari. I'm sorry if I come off as untrusting-

Tari: you just want reassurance, I get that, you don't have to be sorry, I understand.

Mario: *hugs her* thank you for understanding.

Tari: that's what friends are for. *hugs back*


SMG4: please explain to me why Mario has blocked me from all contact lists I have him on.

SMG3: why?

SMG4: because you, Meggy and Saiko said or did something to him.

SMG3: what makes you think I had something to do with it, he just choked me for no reason.

SMG4: Mario's not the one to do something like that for no reason.

SMG3: can you stop taking that pasta loving freak's side, it's bad enough we have to protect the most brain dead idiot in the universe from dieing, but to deal with this! I did not sign up to deal with a man child, I was perfectly happy being your nemesis, but no, let's be friends and prance about in a field of daisies-

SMG4: can you stop complaining for five minutes! Honestly, your worse than Mario sometimes. *sigh* I've known Mario for twelve, going on thirteen, years and he's never acted like this once. What's going on?

SMG4 asked, to himself mainly.
This last week has been a lot for the meme guardian to handle and it shows, he's got slight bags under his eyes, and hasn't washed his cloths in a week.

SMG4: hhhhiiinnngg. 3, I'm hearing things again.

SMG3: what is it this time you baby?

SMG4: *glares* a voice, like a narrator.

SMG3: how are you still getting over that demonic keyboard?!

SMG4: ...... just forget what I said.

Odd, it seems like some of them can hear me.....

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