Mario's visit to a new jail bird.

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It's been one week since Luigi was hospitalized and he's been doing better and better, albeit in a coma. It's also been one week since Saiko was arrested, and Mario had a question for her.

Cop: Saiko, you have a visitor.

Saiko: I have a what, who on earth would-

Mario: hello Saiko.

Saiko: ........sir there must be a mistake, cause this isn't a visitor, this is a fat annoyance.

Cop: actually he's been quite the opposite, really quiet, really nice guy.

Saiko: what. That's not how Mario behaves.

Mario: helloooo earth to Saiko.

Saiko *growls* what is it that you want, and make it quick, your wasting my time.

Mario: oh I'm sorry, am I bothering you.

Saiko: y e s.

Mario: well then I guess i really have to make this quick, huh.


Mario's joking tone quickly shifted into a very serious one.

Mario: what I want to know is why you almost killed my brother.

Saiko began to recall the event, sweating coldly as she did.

Saiko: ......


Saiko: .........

Mario's tone then went from serious to demanding.

Mario: I want an answer, n o w.

Saiko: I.... don't know.....

Mario: what do you mean "I don't know".

Saiko: it's like my body was on auto pilot. I'm not sure what came over me.

Mario: .......

Saiko: uhhhh Mar-

Mario punches the table that was in between them causing splinters to fly and leave an indent in the table, the act startling Saiko.

Saiko: what the-

Mario: I want a real answer.

Saiko: like I said-

Mario then proceeded to grab the collar of Saiko's prison uniform and yank her face down to his eye level.

Mario: I said I want a real answer, not some pathetic, bull crap excuse that you came up with while talking to me.

Saiko was now intimidated by Mario and she couldn't believe it.

Mario: NOW!

Saiko: ......


Saiko: ........

Mario: I SAID-

Saiko: BECAUSE I WAS MAD AT YOU OKAY!...I was ....mad at you for running into me, and I wanted to...... to take it out on you like I always do, and when Luigi got in the way I just.....I.......just....

Mario: just, what?

Saiko: ......I just saw him as .....another punching bag, like you, and I wanted to see how far I could.....hurt it, before ot fell.

Mario let go of Saiko, absolutely perplexed by what she had said, but his confusion turned into anger, and his anger boiled into hate.

Mario: I don't know what Luigi saw in you that day, but he thought you could be a good person. And you know what, I believed that too, oh how wrong we were.

Saiko: Mario, heh heh heh, you know I don't care about what people think of me right?

Mario: oh, but I thought you did if you wanted Luigi to help you become a better person. Which you failed at horribly.

Saiko: hey! If anything, Luigi is the one that failed- *SLAM*

Mario had grabbed Saiko's head and slammed it into the table causing her nose to bleed, but he wasn't done with her yet. Grabbing her arm, he thew her at the wall, with a level of strength that seemed to trump hers.

Mario: don't you DARE talk about my brother like that, he never failed you, you failed him, like the pathetic piece of human trash that you are. He put so much time, effort, and heart into teaching you, and how do you thank him? By putting a dent in his chest, almost killing him.

Saiko: .....I.....I.....

Mario: you know, your lucky he isn't dead, because if you had killed him then and there, you would wish you could die.

Saiko: .....

Mario then walks toward the door to leave the prison, but not before saying one last thing to her.

Mario: I bet Luigi is very disappointed with you, remember that the next time you try to talk with him.

If he even wants to talk to you again that is.

And with that Mario left Saiko all alone, never wanting her to even think about coming close to his brother ever again.

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