Tipping point...

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Mario and Luigi, now at the show grounds, decided to head into the smg4 castle and have some fun with their friends.

Tari: hey Mario, hey Luigi how are you two doing?

Luigi: doing great thanks Tari.

Mario: Mario's doing good too, oooooo whatcha playing?

Tari: super smash bros, do you two want to play as well?

The brothers: yeah/HECK YES!

Everything was going good until......

????: Mario.

A figure said, rather angrily.

????: you have quite the nerve to come back here after what you did!

The three look behind them to find that the voice belonged to smg3.

Mario: oh hi 3, *gulp* how have you been?

Smg3: a lot worse now that your here!

Tari: uh....what's going on, 3 why are you mad at Mario?

Smg3: oh yeah right forgot to tell you, Mario stole my notebook and had me and 4 do a whole spy mission thingy to get it back *aggravated sigh* and all for a stupid club penguin skin.

Tari did you really do that Mario?

Mario: oh man, alright maybe if I go with the "he tricked me to do it" gag he'll let me go. I didn't want to do it, Marty tricked me!

Well actually Marty forced Mario to do it, by threatening Mario, that if he didn't help him he was going to hurt Luigi, and Mario didn't want Luigi taken from him so soon after Peach.

Smg3: oh no, I aint gonna buy that bull crap gag of yours anymore, if imprisonment isn't gonna teach ya about consequences than I will!

Meggy: beat him up, beat him up, beat him up!





Meggy: what, what's with the silence?

Luigi: how long have you been there?

Meggy: long enough to know what's going on.

Tari: wait.....Meggy why do want Mario to be beaten up, aren't you two like, the best of friends? Why don't you want to help him?

Meggy: you mean like how he helped me inside the simulation, he did nothing Tari nothing!

Mario: but wren was controlling me.

Meggy: that is no excuse, 3! break his neecaps...actually how about I do that myself.

The orange haired girl said really menacingly............no like I mean really REALLY menacingly, it was terrorizing Mario to no end with how...evil it sounded.

3 and Meggy then jumped at Mario as he ran out a window to escape.


Smg3: get back here!

Meggy: yeah why are you running we can catchup to you real easily!

Luigi: WAH! smg3, Meggy please don't hurt him, I'm sure he didn't mean it!

Tari: yeah l..listen to...to Luigi!

But they didn't listen, and ran at Mario top speed.

Unbeknownst to Mario a certain pink haired woman was standing where he was running.

Mario: *looking back* thank you Luigi and thank you Tari- oof, huh what did I hi- oh no.

Saiko: oi fatty, what gives?!

Mario: I'm a...I'm a sorry....Mario d...didn't mean it!

Saiko: oh you are going to be sorry *cracks knuckles* get ready for the pain train.

Mario tried to get away but it was too late saiko pinned him to the ground and raised her fist ready to punch him but paused when she saw two people race toward her.

Saiko: oh hey guys your just in time to see me knock the lights out of Mario here.

Meggy: actually me and 3 were going to do the exact same thing, mind if we join you?

Saiko: of course you can join, you know what they say, "the more the merrier".

Smg3: heh, we are going to enjoy this.

And so the beating began and Mario could do nothing about it but there was a green Italian that was getting angrier and angrier the more he watched and he  finally......reached......his......tipping point and decided to take action.


Mario: n...no pl-cough-please.

Saiko then got off him to deliver the final blow, Mario closed his eyes and prepared to hear a heart monitor.......but nothing happened he opened his eyes to see what was going on and much to his shock he saw Luigi standing over him holding his arms out and protecting his brother from any further harm.

Luigi: you three will not hurt my brother anymore!

Mario: *tearing up* L...uigi...

Luigi: I've seen for months on end how you treat him, how you mock him, how you BEAT HIM!

Mario: *crying* Lui....gi.....

Luigi: but I was always too scared to do anything....and I hated myself for that.....but now, now I've had enough, no more, NO MORE!

Shock was very much on everyone's faces, except for Saiko.

Saiko: Luigi, now is not the time for this-

Luigi: then when Saiko, when.

Saiko: Luigi move.

Saiko said, anger radiating from her voice. But Luigi would not budge.

Luigi: I'm not going. I'm not scared of you anymore.

Saiko: .......then I'll make you move.

She swung her fist and hit Luigi in the chest as hard as she could, not caring if she hurt him or not.

Luigi fell to his knees....... with a dent in his chest, it was then and only then when Saiko realized what she did.

Luigi hit the ground with a thud, limp and no longer moving.

Mario: LUIGI!

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