‎♡‧₊˚thirty-seven ‎♡‧₊˚

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Note: I listen to you. I love you. While I'll always keep your suggestions on top of my priority, I want you to keep your faith in me as you always have. Even if it feels slow paced or sex scenes feel like stretching, stick around because while you might not be able to see the larger picture right now, trust me, I'm going somewhere with this, which you'll be able to see once the first book ends. I believe in details, and every bit I write contributes to some element of character that'll add to a larger volume. You'll see and then if you tell me it's not working out, I'd gladly address the issues without pausing your new updates on newer books. I love you all, my beautiful pumpkins! Thanks to all those who are sticking around and even to those who couldn't. It's hard to trust someone as psycho as me who fusses over tiniest bits. But I'm glad you're here and trusting me.


Someone once told me that I need to allow myself some time off work. I did not realize how true it was until this week. The morning sun kisses my skin as I stroll barefoot on the secluded private beach surrounded by impressive barren cliffs. The soft grains of the white sand massage and tickle my soles. The crystal-clear azure waters welcome each step with a gentle caress. Salty breeze tousles my hair and the rhythmic lull of sea waves soothes my soul and mind.

It's so tranquil out here. He called it The Garden of the Hesperides for a reason. This place is a paradise. It wasn't until yesterday when Areston was giving me a tour in the evening that I came to know that he owns not only the island but also this small islet and one more closeby both of which can be reached by a jetski. I can't help but smile as I recall the glorious day that was yesterday. So breathtakingly beautiful. It hands-down tops all the days and nights I've spent on this island.

The two of us spent the whole day together without any work-related or any other intrusion. Before dawn, he woke me up in one of his most erotically charged ways that I have become so addicted to, dressed me up, and took me sailing so I could witness the most mesmerizing sunrise I have ever seen. The two of us were alone somewhere in the middle of the Ionian sea and drank extra strong black coffee just the way we like straight from two travel mugs he'd brought along as we watched the sun appear on the horizon. And of course we had sex in the cabin on the sail yacht.

I could not have imagined anything else could get any better than the time we spent sailing. Boy, I was so mistaken. We returned to the island around 8 am to have breakfast, rested a bit on the sun lounger by the beach, and left for a hike. In my entire life I've only gone hiking four times and all of them were with him. He has always been a fan of going solo mountaineering, hiking, trekking, camping, and the whole deal where he gets to spend solitary time with nature. I have never been. After we got into a relationship, he would cajole me to join him because while it was some sort of sacred space for him, he wanted me to be a part of it.

Much to my surprise we hiked all the way to the place I've been secretly desperate to visit since the story Pavlos told me—the rock where his highness's grandparents first met. Nestled between the embrace of the sea, the cliff was flanked on either side. On one side, energetic waves danced and sloshed, while on the other, a serene bay cradled crystal clear Mediterranean waters. It happened to be linked to the rest of the island via a narrow path and there was a small beach right beneath it.

Two cute and over friendly kittens had scurried out of nowhere and followed us. They refused to leave us alone so I put one in his arms much to his dislike and cradled one in mine as we climbed a flight of 106 steps that were carved into the rock and had a little banister for support to reach on top of the cliff.

'What is your grandmother like?' I had asked, standing precariously close to the cliff's edge at the periphery of the tiny white-washed chapel that sat rather discreetly on top of the rock with trees dotting its sheer edges.

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