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The four brothers were now four months pregnant. They were on their way to the doctor to tell them the genders of their babies.

They all went to different room of course for the check up.

When they were done they all got out with a big smile on their faces.

"Let's go home now" Taehyung said and his brothers followed him.

When they got home they all sat on the couch.

"So....? Who start?" Yeonjun asked.

"I will" Jisoo said.
"I have two girls"

"Congratulations hyung!/Jisoo"

"I have two boys" Taehyung said.

"Congrats Hyung!"

" I have one girl" Yeonjun said.

"Congratulations hyungie!/Junnie"

"Well.... I have three girls"

"Congrats Lixie!"

When the brothers were done talking about their pregnancy they all went to their house work.

Yeonjun was cooking, Jisoo was cleaning the house, Taehyung was cleaning outside of the house and Felix was taking care of the garden.

They were happy actually. They forgot about the boys that hurt them. They don't want to keep filling down because of them. They will fight for each other and for the kids that are inside their tummy.

They will give their kids an amazing life even without their dads.

They can do it alone. They will do it. For each other, for their kids.

Although threw the months their have changed moods.

Taehyung is always angry. Jisoo is stressed out. Yeonjun was extremely clumsy. Felix was always crying.

The Kang house was a mess.

And them having a big stomach didn't help much.

But being seven months old and act like this is kinda understandable.

Felix who was carrying the most waist couldn't walk properly. He's brothers said to him that they can carry him but Felix immediately refuses cause he's olders brothers are also pregnant and he doesn't want anything bad to happen. He just doesn't walk much around the house. Although that didn't stop him from taking care of his garden. He just love his garden so much. He's a fun of flowers. He loves them. He's been loving flowers since he was a baby. He's family knew and would always by him flowers to make.

Just like one time on his eleventh birthday.

He's brothers give him so many flowers to put on his garden which he literally love. The flowers to him are like a real person who always listens to his problems.

When he's parents died in their graves he put their favourite flowers which Felix grown and ask the flowers to be alive and protect he's parents. The flowers till now are alive. How? No one knows. It's like they could hear Felix when he politely asked them to stay alive and carry their parents. How did they found out? After two years of their fathers death they went back to their parents grave. They were surprised to find the flowers who Felix left their two years ago to still be alive.
He grown the most beautiful and incredible flowers in he's garden and give them all he's love to them.

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