Svt plan 2:I may like you

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Jisoo was getting ready to go out with Svt. He then texted Taehyung that he is going out today.


Hey Tae, I'm gonna go out today
for shopping. I be home soon

Alright sure you can go
Just be there soon alright?
I'm also gonna come this afternoon

I will Tae, bye love you

Love you too

He walked to the park to meet with twelve guys who were waiting for him.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late" Jisoo said feeling bad.

"It's alright, don't worry about it" Jeong Han said.

"So... Were are we going?" Jun Hwi asked.

"The mall" Seok Min said.


Jisoo actually love shopping. He was running in every store and take something from each.

Svt were really tired qhile they were running behind Jisoo so they won't lose him.

"Jisoo! Can we please sit somewhere for some time? Were tired" Ji Hoon said.

"That's because you guys are old" Jisoo said.

"Yah! I'm only a year older than you!" Chan said.

"Still old"
"Fine let's sit and take something to eat. I'm hungry" They smiled now that they will finally rest.

After lunch they went to a hotel.

"Why are we in a hotel?" Jisoo asked confused.

"You'll see" Min Gyu said and they all smirked.

After they went inside the room and locked the door soon Young pushed Jisoo on the wall and kissed him deeply.

Then he pushed Jisoo on the bed. Jeong Han pulled Jisoo's clothes off and push a finger inside him.

Jisoo moaned at the sudden feeling.
After prepping him he went and sit with the others.

Ji Hoon was the first along with Chan.

"Ready?" Ji Hoon asked and Jisoo nodded.

Ji Hoon slowly pushed himself inside Jisoo who gasped at the feeling. Chan moved next to Jisoo and pull him by his hair.

"Suck" Chan said. Jisoo give some small kisses and lick's before taking it all in his mouth.

"Mmm~.... Can't-can't" Jisoo said.

"Ahhh- ....mmm..... oh oh ah! Ahh!" Jisoo cried out feeling both of his holes fool.

Then Seung Cheol and Jeong Han, Jun Hwi, soon Young, Won Woo, Seok Min and Min Gyu,Min Hao, Seung Kwan and Han sol.

Jisoo has already fainted. He couldn't keep himself up.

They cleaned him and took him to their house to let him rest.

Jisoo wake up after six hours. He was confused at were he was. He slowly walked downstairs holding onto the wall for help.

"Oh-Jisoo! Your awake" Jun Hwi said while walking to Jisoo to help him.

"Mmmhh~ what time is it?"

"Well it's eight now" Won Woo said.

"Eight!? How long was I sleeping?"

"For six hours" Min Hao said.

"Omg! I have to go"

"You're leaving?" Seung Cheol asked.

"Yeah, I have to be beack home soon. Than you for today thought! I had a nice time! Bye!" Jisoo said running out.

'you sure did' the smirked.

Jisoo who was running had his hand on his cheeks. 'oh my god! Why did I do that with them! Omg! I like it though.... No! Jisoo! What are you saying!?' Jisoo shake his head and continue running cause he said to Taehyung that he be back soon but it's already eight.

'i think I may like them.......'

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