txt plan 1: respect your elder

271 15 5

After Yeonjun was done with his class he was walking in the hallway when suddenly someone grabbed his arm and pulled him in the bathroom.

"What the -"
Yeonjun was cut off by Beomgyu who put Yeonjun's arms above his head.

"You should respect your elder you know" Beomgyu said.

"It's not my fault! You won't move out of the way when I told you to! I didn't want to be late for class!"

"Oi! Don't raise your voice on us!" Soobin said and Yeonjun didn't speak.

"We show you what you get for not respecting us" Taehyun said and they all smirked.

Yeonjun thought was blushing but he was also a little scared.

"Ahh~ ahhhh~ mm!.." Yeonjun was moan when Beomgyu and Taehyun were playing with his nipples.

"You like that huh?" Beomgyu asked while smirking as he grabbed Yeonjun legs and wrapped it around his waist.

"Wait no, I- AHH!" Yeonjun screamed when Beomgyu and Taehyun both push their dicks in the same time.

"Ahh~mmhh~..... Ahh" Yeonjun start moaning louder when Beomgyu and Taehyun start moving inside him really fast.

"Ah! I can't...... Stop ~ ohhhh!" Yeonjun throw his head back when Beomgyu and Taehyun start moving even faster.

With a loud moan Yeonjun come again.
After some time Beomgyu and Taehyun also come. Then Soobin and HueningKai too.

Yeonjun was on the floor now while trying to catch his breath.

Beomgyu walked to Yeonjun and make him look up.

"Next time you will respect your elder right?" Beomgyu asked and Yeonjun nodded.

HueningKai helped Yeonjun to put his clothes back on. Then he picked him up and carried him in a brutal style.

They all walked to the car and that's when Yeonjun fall asleep on HueningKai's laps.

""Look he fell asleep" HueningKai whispered. They all turned their attention to the cutie who was now sleeping on HueningKai's laps.

"Well then let's take him home for now. Since we don't know where he lives." Soobin said.

When they reached home HueningKai walked and placed Yeonjun on his room and left.

When Yeonjun wake up he didn't know where he was. He walked downstairs to meet with four boys who were doing their thing.

"Oh- Yeonjun. Your awake. Come here" Beomgyu said putting his laps. Yeonjun hesitate at first but then walked and sit on Beomgyu.

Beomgyu wrapped his arm around Yeonjun's waist to bring him closer.

"Are you alright? Did we hurt you?" HueningKai asked.

"Uh- no.... I'm okay really"

"Good then let's order. I'm hungry" Soobin said.

"Why don't you cook?" Yeonjun asked.

"None of us can cook" Taehyun said.

"Alright then I cook for you"

"Really!?" Beomgyu asked surprised.

"Yeah I don't mind. I always cook back to my house so it doesn't matter"

Yeonjun walked in the kitchen and start cooking.

"Hey the food is ready come here"they all sat on the table while Yeonjun served the food.

When they eat it they were surprised.

"Omg...." Taehyun said.

"They're amazing!" HueningKai said.

"Ahh...... Thank you, I'm glad you like it" Yeonjun smiled.

"Hey little tiger?" Soobin asked.


"Do you..... Want to stay here today? Like..  for a sleepover?" Beomgyu asked.

"Oh- yeah... I would love to actually"

"Okay then I will give you some pajamas" Taehyun said

"Okay thank you"






"Taehyun Hyung! They are big!!!"

Yeonjun walked down wearing the pajamas Taehyun give him.

"Sorry Junnie but I don't have a smaller side"Taehyun said and Yeonjun sigh.

"It's alright. It's only for one night after all"

Yeonjun start feeling sleepy.

"You wanna go to bed?" HueningKai asked and Yeonjun nodded.

"Then go baby. We are also going now come on" Soobin said.

They all give Yeonjun a quick kiss on his cheeks.

"Night little tiger/ baby/ Junnie/ Yeonjunnie"

"Good night Hyungs!"

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