Amateurs in The Deep

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"Are those... mermen?" Jack's eyes widen. "Wow. There really ARE people out there who live underwater."

Your suddenly grabbed from behind and pulled back, your back hitting a toned chest. Strong arms wrap around you.

"Eeeyyy! There you are, Little Shrimpy and co.!"

You feel a hand placed on your shoulder. Turning around, you see Jade but he looks different. "Good day, everyone. How are you liking it here under the sea?"

Grim's eyes widen in fear. "It's the lookalike brothers!"

The twins look completely different from the last time you've seen them. They changed into their mer-forms. Instead of a mermaid tail, the two of them have long, eel like tails and were completely covered in teal scales. Their ears and hands were webbed.

Jack flattens his ears. "Why d'you look like that?"

"Whaddaya mean? This is how we normally look." Floyd grins at you. "After all, we're mermen."

Jack pulls you out of Floyd's grasp, bringing you back with the others. Jack holds onto your shoulders to make sure the twins wouldn't take you away again.

You stare at their new forms in shock. "But, how do you have legs on land?"

Jade chuckles. "We use potions to change our forms when we're on land. After all, we can hardly walk on solid ground with these tailfins."

Ace keeps staring at the twins tails. "Dude, they're long! How tall, uh, I mean, how LONG are you?"

"Are you some kind of sea serpent?" Deuce asks.

Floyd shakes his head. "Solid guess, but nope. We're morays."

Grim hides behind your shoulder. "Who cares what they are? I wanna know why they're here!"

Floyd laughs, swimming around your group. "That's easy. We're here to get in your way."

Ace lets out a groan. "I shoulda known."

"It wouldn't do for you to complete your challenge too easily." Jade swims around you till he's in your way to the museum.

The boys pull out their pens, standing in a fighting stance. The stand on either side of you so you're shielded in the middle. Deuce fires a few ice shards at the twins. "Come forth, ice! HYAH!"

Floyd stays still as the shot misses. "Might wanna try upping the ante there, bud."

Ace glowers at the blue haired boy. "Hey, Deadeye Deuce, here's an idea: try actually HITTING with one of those shots!"

Jade laughs, a blast from Ace completely missing him. "Come, now. Put in some effort."

"I don't see you doing any better over there!" Deuce calls out.

Ace shakes his head in disbelief. "No way. How could I miss like that..."

Jack rolls his eyes and scoffs. "Step aside. I'll handle this!" He shoots at the twins but his spell swerves around them. "What? My spell swerved before hitting them!" His eyes narrow as he growls. "I see what's goin' on."

"At least Sea Urchin knows how to pay attention." Floyd says to his brother.

Jade smiles. "I shouldn't be surprised that a land beast has a keen eye."

"Since I'm a nice guy, I'll do you a solid and explain why none of your spells are hitting us." Floyd says as he swims around you in a circle. "I've got this signature spell, Bind the Heart, see? It's a handy little number that interferes with your magic to ensure it fails! Ain't that just neato?"

Grim glares from his spot behind your shoulder. "That ain't neato at all! It's cheatin', is what it is!"

Jade sighs, looking to his brother. "Floyd, do you really have to spell out your entire signature spell gimmick to them?"

Floyd shrugs. "What's the big deal? Knowing isn't gonna help 'em any."

Jade tilts his head. "Fair enough. At least your magic is in good form today. If only you could be more consistent about it. When you're not in the mood, it never works at all. That's rather hard to plan around, you know."

Floyd turns back to your group. "Better run, kiddos! If I catch you, my tailfin's gonna wring you out like a dirty dishrag!" His eyes lock on yours. "Now, who should I squeeze first...?"

"This is nothin' more than a game to them." Jack growls. "If we don't get outta here, they're gonna hang us out to dry!"

You nod. "We'd better work out a new plan!"

You and the others swim away while Floyd laughs at your retreat. "Come back as many times as you want. It won't make a lick of difference! With those sorry legs of yours, you'll never outswim mermen."

Jade waves to you. "We'll be waiting for your next visit."

Grim lets out a groan of frustration. "This stinks! I'll remember this, you got it?"

The Black Mirror spits you and the others out. You collapse in a watery heap on the floor. You take steadying breaths as your lungs readjusts to the air.

Deuce takes a deep breath. "You guys okay?"

You give a thumbs up and Ace nods. "I think so."

Jack shakes out his fur, splashing water everywhere. "I wasn't expecting them to actually be mermen..."

Grim copies Jack but he ends up getting water on you. "It was almost a feedin' frenzy there, with us as the chum! Swimmin' that fast ain't fair!"

Ace wrings water out of his clothes. "Well, yeah. Merfolk are literally in their element underwater."

"But we gotta get that photo fast, or they're gonna confiscate Ramshackle Dorm..." Grim looks to the ground sadly.

Deuce puts a hand to his chin, water dripping from his hair. "We need to rework our plan here."

Ace nods. "Yeah. Cater likes to say he's got his finger on the pulse of the community, so why don't we get some input from him?"

Jack puts a hand to your shoulder. "It'd also be a good idea to go back to Savanaclaw and see what Ruggie and the others have to share."

You nod. "I definitely need a change of clothes." You shiver. "And a blanket."

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