Chapter 42: A Sticky Situation

Start from the beginning

Luffy's cheeks started to stretch out, leaving his teeth out in the open.

"Luffy! What the hell are you doing?!" The blonde chef snapped at the confused rubberman. "This isn't the time for games!"

"No, it isn't me! I'm not doing this!" He declared before his cheeks snapped back into his face, causing him to fall to the deck on his back.

One of Zoro's swords started to rattle to which he quickly placed a hand over to keep it in place. Then the top sword he didn't have a hand on flew out of the sheath and into the air.

The sword flew high in the air before it started to spin quickly on its downward descent.

"Look out Strawhat!" Franky called before he punted Luffy out of the way from the sword that was about to skewer him.

Franky turned to look at Zoro. "Hey! Punk! What was that about?!"

"Hey, I'm sorry. My sword sprang out," he was still baffled at what happened.

"How strange," Sanji comments, lighting a cigarette.

"Indeed, it was as if someone snatched it before throwing it into the air." I observed.

"Looks like we're not the only ones on deck." Franky alleges.

"That would probably be a safe assumption." I looked around until I heard a slight growl nearby. I turned my head in its direction to only see air. Odd.

Zoro walked over to retrieve his sword that was still stuck to the deck's floor. "So we've got company, huh?"

"Was it a ghost after all? Or was it some sorta psychic?" Franky wonders.

"I don't think ghosts are able to physically interact with inanimate things. As for the psychic, we would be able to sense them. This is something else." I assess.

Luffy finally stood up and returned his hat to his head. "I could feel someone touching me."

"Now that you mention it, I heard what sounded like a beast growl a few seconds ago." I add in.

"A beast?" Franky questions.

Sanji hopped onto the railing. "Anyway, I'm worried about Nami and the others. I'll let you deal with the ship!" He declared.

"What are you going to do?" Zoro questioned.

"I'm gonna swim to the island and save those three." He started to jump off the boat, before he swung down and was slammed into the side of the ship like someone had caught his foot.

"Hey, Franky. Did you hear him? He mentioned all three of them this time." I smile at the cyborg, happy with Sanji's statement.

"Ama, is this really the time to focus on that?" He questioned with a deadpan.

"Why? Cuz, Sanji face planted?" I grin. "Why not, I mean it's not the first time he's done it, and I'd wager you it won't be the last either." I chuckle.

"That was so lame!" Zoro and Luffy spoke at the blonde's actions.

Sanji's body then started to lift back up.

"Wow! Sanji's floating back up." Luffy narrates.

I snapped a quick picture of the funny pose that he was being lifted in.

Suddenly, Sanji started to spin in circles before being thrown face first onto the deck.

"See? Told you it wouldn't be the last." I laughed next to Franky, slapping his arm as I pointed to Sanji.

"What's with the yelling?" Zoro asked Sanji, thoroughly confused.

"Shut up! Why don't you give it a try?" Sanji yelled at him with a red face and shark teeth.

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