"Haven't you said enough?"

"Five minutes, please?"

"What do you even want?" I snapped.

I was conscious Julia was talking to me but I have no idea what she said, either way she walked off and left us.

"I wanted to return these." She reached into her bag and handed me my sneakers and jacket.

"Your shoes are still in my car."

"That's okay, I can get them another time."

I nodded and started to walk away from her.

"Wait—" her quick spoken voice stopped me. "I never thanked you. For, you know, making sure I got home safely despite my reluctance."

"Believe me, you fully expressed your appreciation in the moment."

Her mouth twitched.
I was making this hard for her.

I wasn't reciprocating her olive branch because I was still furious at her. So I resumed walking away but this time she followed.

"So I was thinking," she uttered nervously, trying to keep up with my pace. "I was out of line with what I said, clearly I struck a nerve."

I stopped walking so she stopped walking, a little too fast because she skidded and I had to reach out and grab her before she slipped on her ass.

"I've never seen you angry like that. Usually you go unaffected by everything. It shocked me." I didn't remark back to that. "I was drunk and a bitch. I guess I thought it was no different to usual. We fight like cat and mouse."

"Cat and dog."

Surprise registered on her face. "What?"

"We fight like cat and dog. The cat chases the mouse because he wants the mouse whereas cats and dogs hate one another, hence why they fight."

She didn't like being corrected, her face instantly morphed into irritation and she sighed, tired of me making her work hard.

"The cat wants to destroy the mouse."

I shrugged, "still sounds sexual to me."

She grit her teeth together angrily.

"That's because you're a pervert. But exactly my point!" Her hands waved through the air animatedly, "we even fight about how we fight. I'm over here trying to be the bigger person. I'm trying to apologise and you're acting like a child, it's infuriating!"

"We're not friends Tia, you don't owe me an apology. You go about your business and I go about mine."

"If I don't owe you an apology then why are you so upset about this?"

"I'm not."

"So that's it then?"


Her eyes were reading the hurt registered on my face and I hated that. I didn't want to hurt because of her.

"So you're not mad anymore?"

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