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   Cole's head throbbed. He sat up slowly and winced at the pain shooting through his head. 
   "Ugh..." He rubbed his eyes and blinked as his eyes got used to the darkness. "Where..." His heart almost stopped as he realised where he was. Sijiu smiled at him from an armchair. 
   "Are you feeling better? Dear?" She asked kindly. Cole raised his eyebrow as she walked to the bed. She sat down beside him and smiled gently. "Cole?" Cole felt as if  a fist had tightened around his lungs and he gasped. Sijiu tilted her head innocently, her jet black hair slipped over her pale shoulders and over her elegant face. Cole shuffled away weakly. Sweat rolled down his face as Sijiu crept closer. 
   "Stop..." Cole shuffled to the furthest part of the bed, his arms glowed gold threateningly and Sijiu giggled. 
   "Ah... you've grown up?" She said, her voice cold. Cole glared at her, his eyes flashing dangerously. "Cole." 
   Cole stopped. He grabbed his chest and doubled over. It felt as if someone had his lungs in their hands and was squeezing them, squeezing them until they burst. He gasped and choked. Sijiu was still smiling at him sweetly. 
   "Are you ok?" She grinned tauntingly. Cole glared at her, he was gasping and drool dripped from his mouth. "Ugly." Sijiu scoffed. 
   "F-uck... o-off..." He spat. Sijiu scowled and snapped her fingers. Immediately, Cole felt his lungs expand again and he gasped. Sijiu stood up and stomped out of the room. "Huh, dramatic much." Cole mumbled under his breath. Before he could gather his thoughts however, someone else walked into the room. Hongxue. "What do you want?" Cole hissed. Hongxue raised his eyebrow. 
   "That's no way to talk to someone higher than you." He said. Cole rolled his eyes as Hongxue stepped closer to the bed. "Don't you want to leave?" He asked suddenly. Cole opened his mouth to reply but paused. Did he want to be here? No... not really... but, all the same, he didn't want to leave. These people... or Oni, they were like him. Hongxue seemed to know what Cole was thinking and smiled faintly. "Well?" He pressed. Cole fumbled with his fingers and looked anxiously at his hands.
   "Do... do you know anything... about, about someone called Lilly?" Cole asked finally. Hongxue burst into laughter. Cole shot him a glare. 
   "Lilly? Oh dear. Now she really was an embarrassment." Hongxue smirked. Cole's gaze hardened like steel. "I watched her grow up, I'd say I raised her, but that'd be a nasty mark on my name. She was a very intelligent and gifted girl growing up," Hongxue sat on the bed. "She had extraordinary powers, this made her Highness favour her greatly. Soon Lilly was turned into the most elegant weapon. The Oni empire had never been greater." Hongxue paused, his face hardened. "Then she was taken away by a spinjitzu master. He trained her to use her powers for good, and she turned on us. Her Highness was slain by her greatest creation, it wasn't with weapons, it was with heartbreak. Her own daughter had betrayed her kin and instead followed and chased after a human boy. He was nothing special, singer, dancer. He didn't love her like her own kind could. After discovering that she was with child, Lilly thought that it was finally the time to tell him who she really was." Hongxue chuckled to himself. "Well, you can imagine how that went down." Hongxue's eyes never left Cole's face as he spoke. "The boy agreed to raise the child with her until Lilly was able to take care of him herself, but she died... she died before the child turned six. By this time, the boy had fallen in love with the one he once called a monster. Now all he had left was a child with no hopes, no use and nothing to love. The boy was in despair. He became mean, he hurt the child, he didn't love his son, he loved Lilly, not some fake." Hongxue leaned to Cole's ear. "See... Cole... no one who is human will ever love you. No one will love you Cole. No one." Hongxue grinned as he felt Cole shaking. 
   "That's... that's a lie..." Cole mumbled. "My mother... my mother is-!"
Hongxue was flung into the wall. Cole glared at him, his arms blazing. 
   "MY MOTHER IS THE BEST PERSON IN THIS WORLD!!" He grabbed Hongxue's head and slammed his face into the floor. Hongxue yelled as blood squirted from his face. Cole released his head and stumbled backwards. "You're all sick... I'm nothing like you, and my mother wasn't either." He spat. Hongxue sat up, holding his nose. "I'll kill you all the next time I see you. You can bet your pretty face on that." He punched a hole through the wall and jumped from the hole. His elemental dragon burst into existence beneath him and he landed gently on it's back. They were somewhere in the mountains but it was warm and sunny. Cole squinted back at the figure of Hongxue staring after him and a killing urge swept through him. He shook the thoughts from his head and stared ahead. His mind couldn't stop spinning. "What do you think buddy?" Cole gently patted the side of his dragon. his dragon roared in response and Cole laughed. "Yeah... what a load of bullshit..." He said. 

   It was almost nightfall before Cole managed to find his way back to the monastery, in all honesty, he wasn't really far from the monastery to begin with. He was met with the teary face of Kai and the biggest hug from his teammates. They'd been out all day searching for him. 
   "W-where, hic, where you..." Kai sobbed as Cole stroked his hair. 
   "Ah... I... the Oni..." He mumbled. 
   "I'll kill them all I swear to god." Kai hugged Cole tightly and sniffled into his shoulder. "I'll make sure each and every one of them are burnt to death slowly and painfully-"
   "Kai." Nya said sternly. "You do realise that kind of torture will land you a nice cell in prison." She said. Kai ignored her. Nya looked at Cole and he laughed. 
   "She's right Kai, please don't get in trouble for me, it'll make me feel bad." He said. Kai nodded slightly. 

Wtf I'm going insane ToT IDK WHAT TO WRITE HELP. Please tell me if you want to see something happening and what it is, I'll do anything rn cause I've got writer's block :D 

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